Handbooks are useful for obtaining background information about contemporary theories, concepts, issues, events, or topics and for understanding how scholars have debated global health. These handbooks are available either electronically and/or located on the book shelves in the Medicine Crow Center Library for International and Public Affairs.
Chamberlain, Kerry and Antonia C. Lyons, editors. Routledge International Handbook of Critical Issues in Health and Illness. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2022.
This handbook brings together health and illness topics from around the globe, offering a range of theoretical and critical perspectives to provide contemporary insights into complex health issues that can offer ways to address inequitable patterns of illness and ill-health. Chapters are organized in three parts. The first covers medical contexts; here chapters provide commentary and critical analysis of the history of medicine, medicalization, pharmaceuticalization, services and care, medical technology, diagnosis, screening, medical technology, and complementary and alternative medicine. The second part covers life contexts; chapters cover a range of life contexts which have implications for health, including gender, sexuality, reproduction, disability, ethnicity, indigeneity, inequality, ageing, and dying. The third part covers shifting contextual domains; chapters consider contemporary areas of life that are rapidly changing, including health in relation to inequality, gender, sexual orientation, reproduction, ethnicity, indigeneity, disability, ageing, commercialization, climate change, and globalization.
Chiao, Joan Y., editor. The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
This handbook provides a substantive and in-depth overview of the study of cultural neuroscience and global mental health. Theory, methods, and evidence-based practices are reviewed and integrated across themes that identify ethical, scientific, and health care issues for distinct populations across nations. The international research collaboration in the field of cultural neuroscience and global mental health supports the goal to alleviate the unmet societal needs due to the global burden of disease.
Cohen, Bruce M. Z., editor. Routledge International Handbook of Critical Mental Health. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2018.
This work offers a comprehensive collection of theoretical and applied research that problematizes the practices, priorities, and knowledge base of the Western system of mental health. The book theorizes the business of mental health as a social, economic, political, and cultural project: one which necessarily involves the consideration of wider societal and structural dynamics including labeling and deviance, ideological and social control, professional power, consumption, capital, neoliberalism and self-governance. The collection demonstrates the application of such theoretical ideas and scholarship to key topics including medicalization and pharmaceuticalization, the DSM, global psychiatry, critical histories of mental health, and talk therapy, bringing together the latest theoretical work and empirical case studies from the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and Canada.
Cortijo Oca„na, Antonio and Vicent Martines, editors. Handbook of Research on Historical Pandemic Analysis and the Social Implications of COVID-19. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2022.
This work explores the issue of disease from a variety of philosophical, legal, historical, and social perspectives to offer both comprehension and consolation to the human psyche. Contributors provide a comprehensive view of the humanities as it relates to the pandemic within the frame of human reaction to pain and calamity. This book also looks at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on society in a multi-disciplinary capacity that examines its effects in education, government, business, and topics such as public health legislation, sociology, impacts on women, and population genetics.
Fleming, Christopher M.. and Matthew Manning, editors. Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2019.
This work consists of five themes, physical, social and emotional, economic, cultural and spiritual, and subjective wellbeing. It reviews the current literature on the wellbeing of Indigenous people and communities around the world. This handbook sheds light on understanding Indigenous wellbeing and its determinants, and aids in the development and implementation of more appropriate policies, as better evidence-informed policymaking will lead to better outcomes for Indigenous populations. This book provides insight into relevant global factors for the development of stronger and more effective international policies to improve the lives of Indigenous communities.
Crooks, Valorie A., Gavin J. Andrews, and Jamie Pearce, editors. Routledge Handbook of Health Geography. London: Routledge, 2018.
The fifty-two chapters of this book characterize the breadth and depth of current thinking on the health–place connection. It provides a synthesis of scholarship in health geography as well as multi-disciplinary insights into innovative research. It explores the key concepts central to appreciating the ways in which place influences our health, from the micro-space of the body to the macro-scale of entire world regions, in order to articulate historical and contemporary aspects of this influence.
Fong, Ben Y. F. and Martin C. S. Wong, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2022.
This handbook brings together aspects of health care, economics, environment, and people interaction. There are five key thematic sections in the book: perspectives in public health; community health in practice; planning, built, and social environment and community health; digital and mobile health; and, towards sustainable health in the community. Each theme explores the leading research and trends related to improving population health, prevent chronic diseases, control infectious diseases and outbreaks, and prepare for natural disasters.
Grogan, Joelle and Alice Donald, edtors. Routledge Handbook of Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2022.
This handbook analyzes the global pandemic response through five themes: governance and democracy; human rights; the rule of law; science, public trust and decision making; and states of emergency and exception. Containing twelve thematic commentaries and twenty-five chapters on countries of diverse size, wealth and experience of COVID-19, taking stock after the onset of global emergency and the enduring effects on the health of political and legal systems, economies and societies.
Haring, Robin. et al, editors. Handbook of Global Health. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
Emphasizing transnational health issues, this book provides information on all aspects of global health and a multidisciplinary understanding of the driving forces, dynamics, and models in healthcare, as well as the biological, clinical, socioeconomic, and environmental drivers impacting global health disorders and challenges. It provides context for global health clinical care, organizational and state decision-making, and overall public policy on many levels with contributions from many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences, including clinical medicine, public health, social and behavioral sciences, environmental sciences, economics, public policy, law and ethics.
Immergut, Ellen M. et al, editors. Health Politics in Europe: A Handbook. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021.
This work provides historical background and up-to-date information and analysis on health politics and health systems throughout Europe. In particular, it captures developments that have taken place since the end of the Cold War, a turning point for many European health systems, with most post-communist transition countries privatizing their state-run health systems, and many Western European health systems experimenting with new public management and other market-oriented health reforms. Following three introductory chapters, the handbook offers country cases divided into seven regional sections, each of which begins with a short regional outlook chapter that highlights the region's common characteristics and divergent paths taken by the separate countries, including comparative data on health system financing, healthcare access, and the political salience of health. Each regional section contains at least one detailed main case, followed by shorter treatments of the other countries in the region. Country chapters feature a historical overview focusing on the country's progression through a series of political regimes and the consequences of this history for the health system; an overview of the institutions and functioning of the contemporary health system; and a political narrative tracing the politics of health policy since 1989.
Jagger, Carol, editor. International Handbook of Health Expectancies. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020.
This handbook presents global research on health expectancies, a measure of population health that examines the interaction between quantity and quality of life. With data from Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond, it explains how to define and measure health and morbidity and how to integrate these measurements with mortality. Coverage first highlights long-term trends in longevity and health. It also considers variations across and within countries, inequalities, and social gaps as well as micro and macro-level determinants. Next, the handbook deals with the methodological aspects of calculating health expectancies. It compares results from different methods and introduces tools, such as decomposition tool for decomposing gaps, an attrition tool for attributing a medical cause to reported disability, and a tool for measuring policy impact on health expectancies. It introduces methods of forecasting health expectancies. The handbook then goes on to examine the synergies and/or trade-off between longevity and health as well as considers such topics as the compression versus the expansion of morbidity/disability and the health-survival paradox. The last section considers new concepts and dimensions of health and, more broadly, well being which can be used in summary measures of population health, including psychological factors
Kevany, Kathleen May and Paolo Prosperi, editors. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets. New York: Routledge, 2023.
This handbook presents an overview of sustainable diets, an issue critical to the environment and the health and well-being of society. Sustainable diets seek to minimize and mitigate the significant negative impact food production has on the environment. Simultaneously they aim to address worrying health trends in food consumption through the promotion of healthy diets that reduce premature disability, disease and death. The volume is split into sections dealing with environmental strategies, health and well-being, education and public engagement, social policies and food environments, transformations and food movements, economics and trade, design and measurement mechanisms and food sovereignty. It provides a global, multi-disciplinary assessment of sustainable diets, drawing on case studies from regions across the world. The work concludes with a call to action, which provides readers with a comprehensive map of strategies that could dramatically increase sustainability and help to reverse global warming, diet related non-communicable diseases, and oppression and racism.
Liamputtong, Pranee. Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023.
This handbook highlights the relevance of the social sciences in global public health and their significantly crucial role in the explanation of health and illness in different population groups, the improvement of health, and the prevention of illnesses around the world. The work reveals the critical role social, cultural, economic, and political factors play in determining or influencing the health of individuals, communities, and the larger society and nation. It covers discussions of the social science disciplines and their essence, concepts, and theories relating to global public health; theoretical frameworks in social sciences that can be used to explain health and illness in populations; methodological inquiries that social science researchers can use to examine global public health issues and understand social issues relating to health in different population groups and regions; and, examples of social science research in global public health areas and concerns as well as population groups.
Laurie, Graeme. T., editor. The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Chapters confront gaps between documented law and research in practice, and draw on legal, ethical and social theories about what counts as robust research regulation to make recommendations for future directions. The book provides an account and analysis of current regulatory tools, such as, consent to participation in research and the anonymization of data to protection participants' privacy, as well as commentary on the roles of the actors and stakeholders who are involved in human health research and its regulation. Drawing on a range of international examples of research using patient data, tissue, and other human materials, the work explores current challenges in delivering good medical research for the public good and to provide insights on how to design better regulatory approaches.
McInnes, Colin, Kelley Lee, and Jeremy R. Youde, editors. The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. [Medicine Crow Center Library bookstacks RA 441 .O94 2020]
The book provides an overview and assessment of research on protecting and promoting health as an inherently a political endeavor that requires a sophisticated understanding of the distribution and use of power. The volume is motivated by two arguments. First, health is not simply a technical subject, requiring evidence-based solutions to real-world problems, but an arena of political contestation where norms, values, and interests also compete and collide. Second, globalization has fundamentally changed the nature of health politics in terms of0the ideas, interests, and institutions involved. Each chapter provides an overview of the state of the art on a given theoretical perspective, major actor, or global health issue.
Okan, Orkan et al, editors. International Handbook of Health Literacy. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2019.
This handbook’s various chapters offer a wide range of major findings, outline the current discourse in health literacy, and provide updates about the latest developments and future prospects. Comprised of 45 chapters and divided into four thematic parts, the book addresses different populations, such as children, adolescents, adults and older people, in different settings, and with a wide range of concepts, methodologies, programs and interventions to improve health literacy and governmental, community and institutional policies. The book further aims to share research results, to provide insights into new approaches and theoretical considerations, including making theoretical and practical connections between health literacy and fields and disciplines such as education, sociology, health promotion, social epidemiology, public health, healthcare, medicine, nursing or pharmacy.
O’Neill, Clayton et al. Routledge Handbook of Global Health Rights. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2021.
This book examines the idea of a fundamental entitlement to health and healthcare from a human rights perspective. The volume sets out the constraints that are imposed on a universal right to health by practical realities such as economic hardship in countries, lack of appropriate governance and lack of support for the implementation of this right through the provision of appropriate resource allocation. It queries the degree to which the existence of this legally enshrined right and its application in instruments such as ICESCR and the UDHR can be more than an ephemeral aspiration but can, actually, sustain, promote and instil good practice. Divided into three parts, the first analyzes the notion of a universal inalienable right to healthcare from jurisprudential, anthropological, legal, and ethical perspectives. The second considers the translation of international human rights norms into specific jurisdictional healthcare contexts. With a global perspective it includes countries with very different legal, economic and social contexts. Finally, the third part summarizes the lessons learned and provides a pathway for future action.
Orcutt, Miriam, editor. Handbook of Refugee Health: For Healthcare Professionals and Humanitarians Providing Care to Forced Migrants. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2022.
This book supports recognition of the rights of refugees and provides a framework to identify and approach health needs, from basic elements like service mapping and initial interventions to more complex elements of ongoing healthcare and support and broader topics such as migration public health, migration policy and health systems. It draws on multiple disciplines and insights from humanitarians, academics, policy experts, and clinicians from diverse contexts, with expertise in forced migration, to create an accessible reference tool to inform healthcare professionals' interactions with forcibly displaced individuals and populations in all contexts for both high and low resource countries.
Petersen, Eskild, Lin H. Chen, and Patricia Schlagenhauf, editors. Routledge Handbook of Infectious Diseases: A Geographical Guide. Third edition. London: Routledge, 2025.
This resource, ground on an understanding that our global world is more connected than it has ever been, provides a survey of infectious diseases based on both clinical presentation and geographical area of exposure. The book is split into three main sections. The first sections offers an overview of the geopolitics of infectious diseases, highlighting the channels through which disease can spread from one region or country to another, including air travel, shipping or migration. The second section provides a comprehensive overview of each region, highlighting the infectious diseases common to that part of the world. The final section includes a chapter examining new infections of concern, and a chapter discussing infectious diseases in the context of global climate change.
Venkatapuram, Sridhar and Alex Broadbent, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Public Health. London: Routledge, 2023.
This work address questions, such as, what is public health, and perhaps as importantly, what should public health be or become? How do causal concepts shape the public health agenda? How do study designs either promote or demote the environmental causal factors or health inequalities? How is risk understood, expressed, and communicated? Who is public health research centered on? How can we develop technologies so the benefits are more fairly distributed? Do people have a right to public health? How should we integrate ethics into public health practice? Comprising twenty-six chapters by an international and interdisciplinary team of contributors, the handbook is divided into four clear parts: Concepts and Distinctions, Reasons and Actions, Distribution and Inequalities, and Rights and Duties.
Vojnovic, Igor, et al, editors. Handbook of Global Urban Health. New York: Routledge, 2019.
This collection examines advanced and cutting-edge theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the health of urban populations and o offers a comprehensive examination of global urban health issues from a number of different disciplinary backgrounds that have been at the forefront of urban health research, including public health, epidemiology, geography, city planning, and urban design.
Descriptions of resources are adapted or quoted from vendor websites.