Handbooks are useful for obtaining background information about contemporary theories, concepts, issues, events, or topics and for understanding how scholars have debated the topic of economic development. These handbooks are available either electronically and/or located on the book shelves in the Medicine Crow Center Library for International and Public Affairs.
Agarwal, Renu, editor. The Routledge Companion to Global Value Chains: Reinterpreting and Reimagining Megatrends in the World Economy. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2022.
This book provides a review of global value chains (GVCs) and the megatrends that are shaping them and will continue to reshape them in deep-set trajectories of change over the next few decades. This work focuses on the new features of GVCs, including the shift of global purchasing power towards developing economies, the significance of emerging technologies and data analytics, the increasing tensions between globalization and de-globalization, and the role of micro-multinationals, start-up entrepreneurs, the public sector and middle markets in a fast changing global economy. The early sections are essentially intradisciplinary in character, with the first seeking to explore some historical aspects of GVCs. Subsequent sections cover the theory and practice of operations and supply chain management, emerging supply chain technologies and the impact of inter-firm collaboration across sectors and economies. The final section takes a more interdisciplinary approach and examines topics at the interface of GVCs with the economy, society, culture and politics.
Cai, Fang and Peter Nolan, editors. Routledge Handbook of the Belt and Road. 2nd edition. New York: Routledge, 2022.
The Handbook is a comprehensive review of the theory and practice of the Belt and Road Initiative. The 132 entries illuminate the intentions and principles, history, and current status, basic knowledge and latest studies and promotion mechanisms on the whole BRI. Collectively, the essays provide an authoritative and up-to-date overview of the BRI and an explanatory interpretation of China's development strategy and international policy stance.
Cupples, Julie, Manuel Prieto, and Marcela Palomino-Schalscha, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development. London: Routledge, 2019.
This volume draws on contributions from across the humanities and social sciences to highlight Latin American development disrupted by a range of anti-capitalist, decolonial, feminist, and ontological intellectual contributions. The chapters consider the harms and suffering caused by various oppressive forces, as well as the creative and often revolutionary ways in which ordinary Latin Americans resist, fight back, and work to construct development defined broadly as the struggle for a better and more dignified life. The book covers many key themes including development policy and practice; neoliberalism and its aftermath; the role played by social movements in cities and rural areas; the politics of water, oil, and other environmental resources; indigenous and Afro-descendant rights; and the struggles for gender equality.
Dallago, Bruno and Sara Casagrande, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Economic Systems. New York: Routledge, 2023.
The book examines the institutional bases of economies, and the different ways in which economic activity can function, be organized, and governed. It examines the recent revival of the systemic view of economic governance, which was accelerated by the 2020 pandemic and likely even more the renewed East-West clash epitomized by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the West's reaction to it. The handbook is divided into five parts. The first and second parts look at the subject, content and approach of the discipline and its comparative method. The third part looks at the idiosyncratic nature of different economic systems and their constituent elements. The fourth part considers the outcomes that different economic systems generate and how these outcomes change following the evolution and transformation of economic systems. The last part takes stock and looks ahead at the challenges, from a theoretical and applied perspective, and the exogenous and endogenous factors promoting the advancement of the discipline, including the interaction between and competition among varied approaches and opposing paradigms.
Duarte, Paulo Afonso B. et al. The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: the Case of the Belt and Road Initiative. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
This handbook offers readers various perspectives on globalization and multilateralism with Chinese characteristics. Based on contributions of scholars and practitioners from a number of countries, the handbook helps readers to comprehend ongoing debates on the Belt and Road Initiative and global governance, within a shifting balance of world power, characterized by competing views between Western and Chinese norms, standards, values, and narratives. The handbook as a whole seeks to discuss what globalization with Chinese characteristics looks like, and the role of the Belt and Road Initiative in this process.
Ebbesson, Jonas and Ellen Hey, editors. The Cambridge Handbook on the Sustainable Development Goals and International Law. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022.
In 2015, the United Nations established seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that aimed 'to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all' by 2030. The chapters address each of these SDGs, considering how they relate to one another and international law, and what institutions could aid their implementation. Confronting the context and challenge of sustainable development, this collection outlines how the international economic system problematizes the attainment of the SDGs and suggests potential solutions.
Grugel, Jean and Daniel Hammett. The Palgrave Handbook of International Development. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
This collection draws together leading experts from a range of disciplines, including development economics, geography, sociology, political science and international relations, to explore persistent problems and emergent trends in international development. Building from an introduction to key development theories, this handbook proceeds to examine key development questions relating to the changing donor and aid landscape, the changing role of citizens and the state in development, the role of new finance flows and privatization in development, the challenges and opportunities of migration and mobility, emerging issues of insecurity and concerns with people trafficking, the drugs trade and gang violence, the role of rights and activism in promoting democracy and development, the threats posed by and responses to global environmental change, and the role of technology and innovation in promoting development.
Hsu, Sara, editor. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Development in Asia. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2018. [Medicine Crow Center Library bookstacks HC 415.E5 R684 2018]
This work aims to examine the many challenges to bringing about inclusive, efficient, and environmentally sustainable development throughout Asia, particularly in relation to climate change that exacerbates both environmental and social ills. Presenting a comprehensive literature review, as well as numerous case studies, this book examines sustainable development from economic and social perspectives, as well as from an environmental viewpoint. Divided into seven parts, the topics addressed include environmental challenges, energy dependence and transition, economic justice, social welfare, and sustainable governance concerning a wide variety of countries in the region.
Kaltmeier, Olaf et al, editors. The Routledge Handbook to the Political Economy and Governance of the Americas. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2020.
This handbook explores the political economy and governance of the Americas, placing particular emphasis on collective and intertwined experiences. Forty-six chapters cover a range of Inter-American key concepts and dynamics. The flow of peoples, goods, resources, knowledge and finances have on the one hand promoted interdependence and integration that cut across borders and link the countries of North and South America (including the Caribbean) together. On the other hand, they have contributed to profound asymmetries between different places. This handbook examines the direct and indirect political interventions, geopolitical imaginaries, inequalities, interlinked economic developments and the forms of appropriation of the vast natural resources in the Americas. Contributors give a comprehensive overview of the theories, practices and geographies that have shaped the economic dynamics of the region and their impact on both the political and natural landscape.
Lux, Gabor and Gyula Horvath, editors. The Routledge Handbook to Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2018.
This book identifies the main driving forces of spatial restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe and charts the different regional development paths which take shape against the backdrop of post-crisis Europe. A comparative approach is used to highlight common development challenges and the underlying patterns of socio-economic differentiation alike. The issues investigated within the handbook extend to a discussion of the varied economic consequences of transition, the social structures and institutional systems which underpin development processes, and the broadly understood sustainability of Central and Eastern Europe’s current development model in the context of the apparent limits to post-socialist growth models.
McGregor, Andrew, Lisa Law, and Fiona Miller, editors. Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Development. London: Routledge, 2018.
This book traces the uneven experiences that have accompanied development in Southeast Asia. The region is often considered to be a development success story; however, it is increasingly recognized that growth underpinning this development has been accompanied by patterns of inequality, violence, environmental degradation, and cultural loss. The work examines development encounters through four thematic sections: Approaching Southeast Asian Development; Institutions and Economies of Development; People and Development; and, Environment and Development. Contributors draw from national or sub-national case studies to consider regional scale processes of development, tracing the uneven distribution of costs, risks, and benefits. Core themes include the ongoing neo-liberalization of development, issues of social and environmental justice, and questions of agency and empowerment.
Oshri, Ilan, Julia Kotlarsky, and Leslie Willcocks. The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring. 4th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2023.
This book provides guidance on the fundamentals of global sourcing and recent trends, including intelligent automation, cloud services and crowdsourcing. Replete with examples and cases, it covers the full spectrum of activities involved in global sourcing from both client, supplier, and advisory viewpoints, including research on the numerous practical frameworks regarding the management of global sourcing of services and exploring the impact of theory on practice.
Ruckstuhl, Katharina, et al, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Development. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2022.
This handbook inverts the lens on development, asking what Indigenous communities across the globe hope and build for themselves and focusing on Indigenous peoples as theorists and potent political actors who resist the ongoing destruction of their livelihoods. The book addresses how Indigenous theories of justice, sovereignty, and relations between humans and non-humans inform their understandings of development; how Indigenous people used Rights of Nature, legal pluralism, and global governance systems to push for their visions; how Indigenous relations with the Earth inform their struggles against natural resource extraction; how native peoples negotiated the dangers and benefits of capitalism to foster their own life projects.
Sims, Kearrin, Nicola Banks, and Susan N. Engel, editors. The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. New York: Routledge, 2022.
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of some of the world’s most pressing global development challenges, including how they may be better understood and addressed through innovative practices and approaches to learning. The volume is organized into five thematic parts exploring: changes in global development financing, ideologies, norms and partnerships; interrelationships between development, natural environments and inequality; shifts in critical development challenges; and, new possibilities for positive change. Collectively, the handbook demonstrates that global development challenges are becoming increasingly complex and multi-faceted and are to be found in the Global ‘North’ as much as the ‘South.”. It draws attention to structural inequality and disadvantage alongside possibilities for positive change.
Tatek Abebe, Anandini Dar, and Karen Wells, editors. Routledge Handbook of Childhood Studies and Global Development. London: Routledge, 2025.
This handbook explores how global development agendas and processes of economic development influence children's lives. It demonstrates that children are not only the frequent targets or objects of development but that they also shape and influence processes of economic, political, and sociocultural development. The handbook makes the case for the importance of placing children at the heart of development debates and demonstrates how researchers, policymakers and practitioners can engage children in development. Through reports on field research as well as a critical engagement with theories in development studies and childhood studies, contributors contest normative assumptions about childhood and global development. They tease out and tease apart the complex social, historical, cultural, economic, epidemiological, ecological, geopolitical, and institutional processes transforming what it means to be young in the world today.
Vivares, Ernesto, editor. The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy: Conversations and Inquiries. New York: Routledge, 2020.
This handbook provides a comprehensive guide to how Global Political Economy (GPE) is conceptualized and researched around the world. Including contributions that range from traditional International Political Economy to GPE approaches, the book explores current issues, conceptual tools, key research debates, and different methodological approaches taken. Structured in five parts methodologically correlated with GPE as a field of global, regional, and national research: historical waves and diverse ontological axes; major theoretical perspectives; beyond traditional perspectives; regional inquiries; and, research arenas.
Wamboye, Evelyn and Bichaka Fayissa, editors. The Palgrave Handbook of Africa’s Economic Sectors. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
This handbook provides a reference resource to on Africa’s agriculture, industry, services, and manufacturing sectors; factors affecting the sectors’ competitiveness; and the sectors’ contribution to employment, economic growth, and sustainable development. It also addresses the potential benefits that the sectors could harness from the planned Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA), and in particular how CFTA could increase the efficiency and competitiveness of these sectors. This book provides evidence-based analysis of the past and current state of Africa’s economic sectors, with a strong emphasis on tangible and specific policy recommendations for the purpose of enhancing future economic growth, employment, and sustainable development of the continent. It also assesses the impact of the first-ever Continental Free Trade Area in Africa, and its potential implications for Africa’s integration into regional and global economy and competitiveness relative to other fast developing economies (such as those in Asia).
Weiss, Thomas G. and Stephen Browne, editors. Routledge Handbook on the UN and Development. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2020.
This handbook explores the activities of the UN development system, the largest operational pillar of the organization and arguably the arena in which its ideational endeavors have made the biggest contribution to thinking and standards. Contributions focus on the role of the UNDS in sustainable social, economic, and environmental development, describing how the UNDS interacts with the other major functions of the UN system, and how it performs operationally in the context of the new 2030 development agenda focused on the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The volume is divided into three sections: realizing the SDGs: opportunities and challenges; resources, partnerships, and management; and, imagining the future of the UN in development.
Descriptions of resources are adapted or quoted from vendor websites.