This page provides information and links to USC Libraries' resources for conducting research in the field of education and science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM). The box below have tabs with subjects listed. Click on the tab to view the recommended databases.
The databases under STEM are multidisciplinary and cover various areas within STEM. The databases under the specific subject areaas are more focused on the subjects listed on the tab.
Below the databases box are videos that will help you learn more about some of the databases and information on how to get the most out of your searches.
For questions, please contact the Social and Behavioral Sciences Librarians at
ERIC is key database in the field of education. PsycINFO covers psychology and behavioral sciences and is also a major database for locating education-related literature.
The databases below are also useful in finding education-related literature. The sociology database provides access to journals not indexed in education databases. This may provide articles not available in the other databases.
TIP: Keep an eye on how the results are sorted. The default search could be by publication date. You can change this to sort by Relevance, which may display more relevant items at the top of the list.
VIDEO: Web of Science Search Tips
The links below point to a list of subject-specific databases.
The links below point to a list of subject-specific databases.
The link below point to a list of subject-specific databases.
The Databases A to Z list displays all of USC Libraries subscription databases. You can search by name and by subject area. Use this to find key and tangential databases for your subject area.
Are you looking for a specific journal and you know the title?
Go to the JOURNAL SEARCH PAGE on the home page of the library.
Search by title of the journal.
For example, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
This video covers the basics of two key education databases, ERIC and PsycINFO.
Click on the video's title to view on YouTube.
Boolean operators help you build search strings using the connectors AND, OR and NOT.
Click on the video's title to view on YouTube.
Look for the FindIT@USC link to view the full-text of the article.
Click the title of the video to view in YouTube.
This video covers the basics of USC Libraries Search and Google Scholar.
Click on the video's title to view on YouTube.
This video covers how you can customize Google Scholar to connect it to USC Libraries subscriptions.
Click on the video's title to view on YouTube.