This collection from Alexander Street grants access to the CBS News archives from the period 1997-2014, including many episodes not widely seen since their original broadcast.This online collection provides 350 hours of video from 17 years of broadcasts, including hundreds of segments not available anywhere else in the world. True to 60 MINUTES’ iconic style, each news segment within the collection serves as a standalone short documentary on a specific news topic. The broad range of content offers boundless applications for students and researchers.
Welcome to the Archive's audio and MP3 library. This library contains over two hundred thousand free digital recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download.
Stock Images
Here are a few resources to find stock footage. Please remember to check for Copyright Clearance and permission to post: is the world’s largest online aggregator of stock footage databases, providing serious footage researchers with free access to the most comprehensive roster of stock, archival and news footage indexes online. At, you can search 30 of the world’s top stock footage archives with one search, find better content and save time.
Welcome to the Archive's Moving Images library of free movies, films, and videos. This library contains thousands of digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download.
Archive of American Television has conducted over 700 long-form interviews (over 3000 hours) with the legends of television. These interviews chronicle the birth and growth of American TV History.
Welcome to FedFlix, Joint Venture NTIS-1832 between the National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org. Here we feature the best movies of the United States Government, from training films to history, from our national parks to the U.S. Fire Academy and the Postal Inspectors, all of these fine flix are available for reuse without any restrictions whatsoever.
The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities
Calisphere provides free access to unique and historically important artifacts for research, teaching, and curious exploration. Discover over two million photographs, documents, letters, artwork, diaries, oral histories, films, advertisements, musical recordings, and more.
The collections in Calisphere have been digitized and contributed by all ten campuses of the University of California and other important libraries, archives, and museums throughout the state.
Video sources
Looking for video clips? Here are a few databases and Internet resources.
This TV news archive provides access to broadcasts of the national networks since August 5, 1968. The core collection is comprised of evening news broadcasts from ABC, CBS, and NBC (since 1968), an hour per day of CNN (since 1995) and Fox News (since 2004)
USC database
The collection allows students and researchers to analyze historical events, and their presentation over time, through commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries.
Link TV broadcasts programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world. These programs provide a unique perspective on international news, current events, and diverse cultures, presenting issues not often covered in the U.S. media.
All C-SPAN programs since 1987 are digital and can be viewed online for free.OUR MISSION
The C-SPAN Archives records, indexes, and archives all C-SPAN programming for historical, educational, research, and archival uses. Every C-SPAN program aired since 1987.
TED is best thought of as a global community. It's a community welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world. Contains interviews, speeches and TED conferences.
PBS and NPR free video lectures. The Forum Network online library features thousands of lectures by some of the world's foremost scholars, authors, artists, scientists, policy makers, and community leaders, available to citizens of the world for free.
Millions of Ustream users view and broadcast a wide variety of content, from high school sporting events to red carpet movie premieres. Notable Ustream broadcasts include major political events, concerts, conferences, movie premieres, talk shows, sporting events, interactive games, and personal milestones.
Hulu is an online video service that offers a selection of hit shows, clips, movies and more at, numerous destination sites online. Some free and subscription based through our ad-supported subscription service, Hulu Plus.