Doctor of Social Work (DSW) Research: Library Services

This guide provides links to resources available at USC Libraries for researchers working in the area of social work.

Using Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (IDD)

Whether you need an article, a book or chapter of a book, our interlibrary loan and document delivery will get you the item you need. InterLibrary Loan provides free services to distance (and local) learners with registration:

  • E-mail delivery of articles and books not owned by USC (InterLibrary Loan)
  • E-mail delivery of journal articles and book chapters from the library's print collections (Document Delivery)
  • Home delivery of USC Libraries-owned books (Sorry, shipping to international addresses not available at this time.)

NOTE: If you have trouble accessing IDD on Chrome, try a different browser.

Read more about IDD here

Using Course Reserves

Some of your professors might include required readings in our course reserves system. You can access ARES from the library website under Services. Or, go directly to this link:

In ARES, search for your courses and add them, so you can view the readings. Keep in mind, access to these readings in this system expires at the end of each semester. Remember you can also search our catalog to find articles and books that we might own. You can sort the lists by author or title alphabetically. 

A short video demonstrating how to use this service is below.