Check out our research guide, Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper, to help you organize and write a quality research paper for classes taught in the social and behavioral sciences.
The purpose of this guide is to provide advice on how to develop and organize a research paper in the social sciences.
Purdue OWL Writing Lab is a great resource that provides writing guides and tutorials as well as APA citation guides. Check out their samples of the annotated bibliography!
Refworks | Mendeley | Zotero | Endnote
This chart compares RefWorks, Mendeley and Zotero and helps you consider what you need in a citation manager.
There are a lot of options for managing your citations. All of the tools below provide similar functionality:
Each tool offers some unique features which may help you decide which one is right for you.
How to choose: There is no right answer, it is just a matter of preference: which features and interface you like which one addresses your needs.You might consider asking other students and faculty studying and teaching in Education which one they use.