Pharmacy Students: Year 1: Home and Help

Information resources selected for year 1 Pharmacy students.


This Pharmacy Students, Year 1 guide provides links to useful books, databases, and other information resources to support your pharmacy education at USC, and instruction provided by librarians from the Norris Medical Library in the School's curriculum.

Some library information to help you use this guide:

Many books, journals, and databases listed are hyperlinks. Clicking these links will take you to the needed content; if you are off-campus, it will ask you to log in with your USC credentials before sending you to the resource.

Other materials listed in the guide are only available in print in the Norris Library. Each print book, journal, or other item includes a location and a call number. The locations used include:

  • Upper level= The 2nd floor of the library; this is where most books are located
  • Reference= Reference section is on the 1st floor of the library, surrounding the computers on the 1st floor
  • Reserve= Reserve section is located behind the Loan Desk; obtain items in reserve by asking the loan desk staff and providing your USC ID
  • Lower level= The basement level is where all journals are stored.
  • Lower level, humanities section= The humanities section is along the west wall of the lower level.

Once you have determined the location of your print item, use the call number (a string of letters and numbers) to locate your item in that location. 

Writing & Citing Help

Use these handouts to get information on citing and writing; contact the Norris Medical Library with questions. 

Amy Chatfield, pharmacy liaison librarian

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Amy Chatfield

Norris Medical Library
2003 Zonal Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9130