Basic argumentation theory including analysis. Research and evidence, case construction, refutation; discursive and visual argument; diverse fields of advocacy including law, politics, organizations, interpersonal relations.
This public site identifies environmental program and projects within the city of Los Angeles, including energy, green projects, hazardous waste, and water and air quality.
The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues. Topic, organization, and country portals form research centers around issues covering energy systems, health care, agriculture, climate change, population, and economic development. Portals include authoritative analysis, academic journals, news, case studies, legislation, conference proceedings, primary source documents, statistics, and multimedia.
Full of information for all, the EPA site offers news, local information, teacher resources, multimedia(videos, photos, audios), resources, and even a trivia quiz, allaccessible from the homepage.
The For Youth section includes tabs for elementary, middle, and high school students while Work with Us offers career, grant, and contract information. The site shows lots of depth,too, with navigation tabs for Learn the Issues, Science &Technology, Laws & Regulations, Newsroom, and About EPA; each is a treasure trove of information in itself, adding to the usefulness and comprehensiveness of the site.
Global Issues In Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, relevant sources for analysis of these issues. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal. Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder, Basic Search or Advanced Search to explore the database.
Global Newsstream enables users to search the most recent global news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring content from newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. This product provides one of the largest collections of news from the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. All titles are cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform allowing researchers easy access to multiple perspectives, resources, and languages on the topic they are researching.
The database contains 40,000 records gathered from legislative groups, research institutions, public research agencies, universities, and scholars from around the world covering essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Coverage is from 1973 to the present.