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APA Style 7th Edition: Citing Your Sources

Provide guidance on APA format style based on the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

Standard Format

Click on the categories below to see what types of information is included for that reference component for Conference Presentations.

Basic Format:
Who = Presenter (When = year, Month date range). What = Title of work.  Where = Conference Information and/or URL

For Conference Sessions and Presentations

Presenter Surname, A. A. & Presenter Surname, B. B.

(year, Month date range).

Title of contribution: Use sentence case [Type of contribution].

Conference Name, Location.


For Symposium Contributions

Author Surname, A. A. & Author Surname, B. B.

(year, Month date range).

Title of contribution: Use sentence case.

In C. C. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium [Symposium]. Conference Name, Location.


Formatting Rules

  • Date should match the date(s) of the full conference
  • Conference Proceedings published in journal or book should follow the same format for a journal or edited book chapter


Click on the categories to view examples.

Dahal, G. (2016). Education policy and its contribution to socioeconomic development of Nepal with reference to some selected Asian countries. Paper presented at the 3rd Teaching and Education Conference, Barcelona Spain. Retrieved from
Arem, G. L. (2006). The effects of teaching and playing experience on ability to diagnose a motor skill. In P. Brewer & Firmin, M. (Eds.) Ethnographic and qualitative research in education: Proceedings of the seventeenth annual conference (pp.1-20). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Zhang, H. & Llebot, C. (2019, April). Data sharing wizard: An active learning tool for students and researchers [Paper presentation]. Association of College and Research Libraries meeting, Cleveland, OH.