Click on the categories below to see what types of information is included for that reference component for Articles.
Basic Format:
Who = Author (When = year). What = Title of work: Use sentence case. Where = Periodical Information and DOI or URL
Author Surname, A. A. & Author Surname, B. B.
Name of Group
Author, C. C. [username]
(year, month).
(year, month date).
Title of article: Use sentence case.
Provide Periodical Information and DOI or URL (if available)
Title of Periodical, #(#), #-#.
Title of Periodical, # Article 9739. https://xxxx...
Title of Periodical
The following formats apply to all journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, etc. whether you found them in an online database, search engine, or in print.
Click on the panels below to see examples of references that fit that description.