Click on the categories below to see what types of information is included for that reference component for Audiovisual Materials.
Basic Format:
Who = Creator (When = year). What = Title of work. Where = Publisher information and/or URL
For standalone auidovisual media
Director Surname, D. D. (Director).
Producer Surname, P. P. (Executive Producer).
Host Surname, H. H. (Host).
Artist Surname, A. A.
Uploader Username.
Uploader Surname, U. U.
(year, Month date).
Title of work: Use sentence case [Work type/format].
Production Company.
Museum Name, Museum Location.
Department Name, University Name.
For standalone auidovisual media
Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D. D. (Director).
Producer Surname, P. P. (Executive Producer).
Host Surname, H. H. (Host).
Artist Surname, A. A.
Composer Surname, C. C.
(year, Month date).
Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.)[Description].
Title of song[Description].
In P.P. Producer (Executive Producer), Title of TV series. Production Company.
In Title of podcast. Production Company.
On Title of album. Label.
>Click on the categories to see examples.