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Street Medicine

Resources to aid clinicians, staff and students involved in taking health resources and services to local unhoused and vulnerable populations.

Street Medicine Search Strategy for Pubmed

This first search strategy below is fairly comprehensive, but is unverified. It has not been tested as a systematic search strategy and may not capture every nuanced article pertaining to street medicine in Pubmed, but should include most:

("Ill-Housed Persons"[MeSH] OR "homeless*"[Title/Abstract] OR "unsheltered"[Title/Abstract] OR "roofless"[All Fields] OR "unhoused"[All Fields]) AND ("street medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "street nursing"[Title/Abstract] OR "health access"[Title/Abstract:~3] OR ("Delivery of Health Care"[MeSH] OR "primary care"[Title/Abstract]) OR "primary health"[Title/Abstract] OR "outreach"[Title/Abstract] OR "mobile health"[Title/Abstract:~3] OR "family medicine"[Title/Abstract])

The second strategy below will include more specific articles, and utilizes the MeSH Major topic headings which relies on accurate indexing, and therefore may miss some important, and relevant articles:

"Ill-Housed Persons"[MeSH Major Topic] AND "Delivery of Health Care"[MeSH Major Topic] OR "street medicine"[text word]

You may need to copy and paste the above strategies into the USC authenticated PubMed link to access subscribed content.