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Street Medicine

Resources to aid clinicians, staff and students involved in taking health resources and services to local unhoused and vulnerable populations.

Literature Review Guides

Developing your research question is very important to guide the framework of your search and help communicate your search when help is needed with the search strategy or methodology. Developing search strategies from research questions is where librarians can really help!

Guides for assessing clinical practice research literature, and for performing literature reviews, developing appropriate search strategies, publication and dissemination are below: 

Below are books found in the Norris Medical Library catalogue.

Hissong AN, Lape JE, Bailey DM. Bailey’s Research for the Health Professional. 3rd ed. F.A. Davis Company; 2015.

Hempel S. Conducting Your Literature Review. American Psychological Association; 2020.

Garrard J. Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy : The Matrix Method. Sixth edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2022.