ABU: la Bibliotheque Universelle. Since 1993 free access to e-books by French authors as well as links to French dictionaries and other reference sources. Search by author, or title, or key word.
ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language). In addition to subscription services, ARTFL also supports many Public Access databases including the Dictionnaires d'autrefois, the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, and the Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes.
Europeana - Access to texts, videos, sound, and images from many European museums, archives, and libraries. It does not include collections outside of Europe, commercial projects, or websites other than libraries and museums.
Gallica - The Bibliothèque nationale de France's digital library of texts and images from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. It is one of the major digital libraries available for free via the Internet. It provides access to any type of document: printed documents (books, press and magazines) in image and text mode, manuscripts, sound and iconographic documents, maps and plans. it is accessible in both English and French. Choose the Recherche avancée (advanced search) button to search the collection by title, author, subject or keyword, or browse by books, manuscripts, images, or maps.
WessWeb - French Literature, Linguistics, and Culture - Online Text Collections in Western European Literature.