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This guide provides an overview of resources in Italian Studies. It can be used in tandem with research guides specifically created in support of courses offered in the Italian curriculum.


American Association of Teachers of Italian  (AATA). A professional organization of scholars worldwide who contribute to the multi-disciplinary field of Italian Studies through teaching, research, and service. “Our mission is to promote, advance, and preserve the study of Italian language, literature, and culture in its multiple historical and contemporary manifestations." The AATI sponsors meetings, seminars, conferences, competitions, workshops, national examinations, the National Italian Honor Society, and publishes the quarterly journal Italica, "dedicated to excellence in teaching and research in all areas of Italian studies."

Centro Internazionale Studi Emigrazione Italiana (CISEI) - International Center for Studies on Italian Emigration. CISEI was created in Genoa, historical port of departures of the big transoceanic migrations, to preserve and  enhance the value of memory on Italian emigration, with the double aim of creating a documental national archive of the Italian historical emigration and to establish contacts with national and international study centres and museums active on migration issues, both at a local-regional level in Italy,  and at international level  in Europe and around the world.

Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento italiano (Institute for History of Italian Risorgimento, L’Istituto, che è uno dei cinque Istituti storici nazionali, si occupa della promozione degli studi sul Risorgimento e sul “lungo Ottocento”, dall’età delle rivoluzioni alla Prima guerra mondiale. Publishes: Rassegna storica del Risorgimento.

Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo (Italian Institute of Medieval History).

Istituto Storico Italiano per l'età Moderna e Contemporanea (Italian Institute for Modern and Contemporary History).

Italian American Studies Association. The Association seeks to advance scholarship and creative expression of the wide-ranging experiences of Italians in the diaspora. The Association is open to scholars, students, teachers, artists, writers, and all who share this interest. 

Society for Italian Historical Studies.   The Society for Italian Historical Studies (SIHS) is a professional organization designed to encourage the study and teaching of Italian history and culture.  It is an affiliated society of the American Historical Association.