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Italian Studies Research Guide : ARCHIVES & COLLECTIONS

This guide provides an overview of resources in Italian Studies. It can be used in tandem with research guides specifically created in support of courses offered in the Italian curriculum.

General Collections

19th Century Collections Online is a multi-year global digitization and publishing program focusing on archival collections of primary sources providing full-text, fully searchable content. The collection includes monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more in both Western and non-Western languages.

Biblioteca dei Classici Italiani (di Giuseppe Bonghi da Lucera).  Collection of almost 500 full-text Italian classics divided by period and author. Includes as well  biographies, bibliographies, and introductions to the works of the most important Italian writers.

Biblioteca della Letteratura Italiana   An online library of Italian literature created through the collaboration of Pianetascuola with the Italian publisher Einaudi. Full texts of works in PDF format are searchable by author and title.

Biblioteca digitale della letteratura italiana  (Einaudi)  -  Opere, Autori.

Biblioteca digitale italiana -- Internet CulturaleAggregator of digital repositories from various regional libraries, archives, museums, research institutes, etc.

Bivio: Biblioteca Virtuale On-line.  Testi e immagini dell'umanismo e del rinascimento.

Gale Literature. Integrates full-text literary content with metadata and subject indexing and provides workflow tools to analyze information. You can research authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Includes full text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews.

Libretti d'Opera Italiani  Searchable by: author of the text; author of the musical score; by title of the work or by century. Includes songs in mp3 format.   Il primo portale a servizio della letteratura Italiana.

Liber Liber   Libri, Audiolibri, Musica, Video.  An extensive full-text e-library for Italian literature (out of copyright).

Literature Resource Center.  Biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline.


Online Collections

Archives and Manuscripts

Carte d'autore online  Portal to several Italian literary archives

DGA Direzione Generale Archivi (Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali).  Il Sistema Archivistico Nazionale e i Portali tematici

il Fondo Manoscritti dell’Università di Pavia (Centro di ricerca sulla tradizione manoscritta di autori moderni e contemporanei)

Medici Archive Project  The Medici Archive Project is bringing the Medici Granducal Archive's unparalleled resources for the arts and humanities to a broad international public for the first time, by way of the latest information technology. ... Open to the general public, the online system allows users to search for people, places, topics and document synopsis and extracts in the thousands of documents indexed by MAP researchers, with new information updated every day. This digital interactive platform enables scholars from all over the world not only to view digitized images of  archival documents, but also to enter transcriptions, provide scholarly feedback, and exchange comments in designated forums.

Oxford Companion to Italian Literature

The Oxford Companion to Italian Literature (2002) by Peter Hainsworth.  Also available as an Electronic Resource


AIUCD Projects  List of DH projects in and/or about Italy, maintained by Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale.



Biblioteca Elettronica di Linguistica e Filologia. La collezione mette a disposizione del pubblico una serie di opere che hanno come filo conduttore la documentazione sulle varietà dialettali italiani e sulle fasi più antiche della lingua italiana, attraverso testi, repertori e studi filologici. Le opere digitalizzate sono generalmente studi fondamentali, anche se non recenti, e sono spesso di difficile reperibilità (Ultima modifica 06/12/2017 17:05).

Società di Linguistica Italiana. List of Italian Linguistics Journals.

VIVIT - Vivi italiano.  Il portale dell’italiano del mondo.