edWebChildren's Librarians, Young Adult Librarians, and Public Librarians are often tasked with providing outreach to local school districts and their respective communities. edWeb provides a plethora of resources to help you gain and build upon the newest and most innovation education and technology practices and resources used within the preK-12 education community.
"edWeb.net is a professional social and learning network that makes is easy for anyone in the education community to connect with peers, share information and best practices, spread innovative ideas, and provide professional development." -- About edWeb
edWeb Edit/Delete Quick Stats
Children's Librarians, Young Adult Librarians, and Public Librarians are often tasked with providing outreach to local school districts and their respective communities. edWeb provides a plethora of resources to help you gain and build upon the newest and most innovation education and technology practices and resources used within the preK-12 education community.
"edWeb.net is a professional social and learning network that makes is easy for anyone in the education community to connect with peers, share information and best practices, spread innovative ideas, and provide professional development." -- About edWeb
edWeb Professional Learning Communities Edit/Delete Quick Stats
The list of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) is wide and varied. The webinars are free and you can also receive Continuing Education (CE) credit.
Listed below are a few of the LIS related PLCs:
Amazing Resources for Educators
Assessment for Learning
Audio-Based Learning and Collaboration
Blended Learning
The Brain and Learning
Digital Citizenship
Digital Decisions for Collaborative Learning
edGlobal: Sharing Education Ideas Around the World
EdTech Innovators
Emerging Tech for School Librarians
Game-Based Learning
How Video Empowers Education
Implementing the Common Core State Standards
Leadership 3.0: Essential Skills for Innovative Leaders
LMC @ The Forefront
Mobile Learning Explorations
Open Educational Resources (OER) in the K-12 Classroom
Parent Involvement & Community Engagement in K-12
PreK-3 Digital Learning
Real World Literacy and the Common Core
Google for Education Edit/Delete Quick Stats
Google provides the opportunity to learn and use Google tools, to become certified to become a Google educator, to join one of Google's education communities. Google's education communities is a place where you can learn from other educators and share tips. Google's resources provide an abundant list of videos, learning guides, and educator sites. -- Google for Education