Can't come into the Library? These ebooks can be accessed now. The links below lead to the USC Libraries Catalog records for ebooks; then click on the link for "online access" to view the ebook. Every ebook publisher is unique and you may need to create an account with them to view the content. Downloading restrictions vary widely. Descriptions are provided by the publishers, authors, etc.
Need more books? These links will execute a search in the USC Libraries collection for items with the following subject headings (the results can be sorted and refined as needed):
Library Management/Administrators
USC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students are encouraged to recommend items for the library's collections. Subject specialist librarians will consider all recommendations and make a final decision on whether to purchase items.
Currently only available in print form, most of these books can be found in the stacks of the Doheny Memorial Library on the University Park Campus. The links lead to the catalog record. If you are off-campus, you can request them through our Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery service.