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Library Terminology - Find words commonly used at USC Libraries using this glossary
There are over 21 libraries on campus. Find the one that works for you!
Borrowing Library Materials, and Print & Copy Services:
Your student I.D. card is also your library card. In order to use your library card, you must first set it up by going to the front desk of Doheny Library (you only have to do this the very first time you want to use your card). Tell the person at the desk that you are an International Academy student and provide them with your current local address (where you are currently living in Los Angeles). Once your card is set up, you can go to any library on campus to borrow books or to ask for help.
There is a fee for Print & Copy services. You can purchase a Library Print/Copy card in Doheny Library
To print wirelessly from your laptop or a desktop computer, go to:
Technical Troubleshooting
Your USC Library Log-in is the same as your USC-issued email username and password.
If you have any problems with your username and password, please contact ITS at