You typed a search term in the search box and now you have a bunch of results and they don't seem to be what you want.
Step 1.
Check your filters. The filters are located on the left side. The ones that you want are under the heading Type.

Step 2.
Change the filters for type to match what you want in your results.
- If you want lots of images and pages from books select "Images" and de-select everything else.
- If you want videos select "videos" and de-select everything else.
- If you want books, documents and PDFs select "Folders" and de-select "Collections/Subcollections" and select "Other"
- If you only want PDFs then select "Other" and and de-select everything else.
- If you want to see only Collections select "Folders" and Collections/Subcollections and de-select everything else.
This should adjust the number of results that you see.
Step 3. Your results
If your results don't seem to make sense after you've filtered them, check the view sort and set the sort to relevancy.
<picture of view sort here>
Images with a stack of paper icon on top of them are folders. If you click on a folder you will see more things. It may be images, audio, video, text.

- If you see a stack of paper icon on top of an envelope or blank piece of paper, the system decided the blank piece of paper should be a cover image for that file. Ignore the cover image. Read the metadata and if it's what you want click on the image, more images will be found in the folder. <envelope cover>
- If you find that a folder is completely out of order, find the view/sort button and sort the folder by filename ascending.
- <view sort here too!>