Dental Faculty and Instructors: Library Instruction

This guide provides dental faculty at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC with information about library resources and services for teaching and curricular support.

Request Library Instruction for Your Course or Group

Dental librarians provide faculty at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry with synchronous and asynchronous library instruction and curricular support.

Some things dental librarians can do are: 

  • Teach a session on library resources and research strategies in a course.
  • Create video presentations, interactive tutorials, quizzes, and research guides on library and research topics for a course.
  • Consult with faculty on identifying and integrating library resources into a course or other instructional activity.
  • Develop workshops and webinars on various research technologies and library resources.

Topics dental librarians can cover include searching library databases, using library resources, research methodologies, evidence-based practice/dentistry, problem-based learning resources, literature reviews, systematic reviews, APA Style, citation management (e.g., EndNote, Zotero), and more.

When collaborating with dental librarians, dental faculty may be asked to share the following information:

  1. Access to the course in Brightspace.
  2. Course syllabus and assignments.
  3. Learning objectives for the library instruction session and/or materials.

Videos & Tutorials to Assign to Students