These usually take from 8 months to 2 years (abbreviated timelines due to previous work and scoping vs systematic review)
Faculty Librarian is an Author
Librarian and/or Team complete Systematic Searching
Training on issues in this process* (Librarian)
Librarian will upload Zotero library to Covidence and apply settings for screening
Covidence will automatically de-duplicate resources
Covidence will manage all screening functions based on our settings (requiring two researchers for each screening step, and managing conflicts )
Covidence will auto-generate PRISMA chart as we move through the Process
Team will search and screen, and do most writing with exception of methods section (Librarian (s) writes methods section and develops charts)
Data extraction, quality assurance, results and discussion sections of writing (librarian does not usually participate in these steps- but can if subject expertise and time permits)
Qualtrics will be used for data extraction to be tailored to the research questions (due to Covidence being developed for RCTs and Medical trials)
Shared Drive
Research Question/Inclusion & Exclusion variables (Project overview document)*
Team will begin writing intro and lit review* (scoping or systematic may differ)
Once Systematic Searching is complete Librarian will train team on using Covidence SR software ( , make our project, and send invites to team- then upload Zotero library- web-based Covidence sign in with USC e-mail as institutional subscription
Team will screen for scoping review, (if project moves to systematic review- extract data and do quality assurance in Covidence) while Librarian writes methods section
Team writes results and discussion
Develop charts (librarian for methods charts- team for results charts)*
Template for the results chart
Covidence will automatically make PRISMA Chart
Librarian will provide publications chart to team*
Team decision on publication outlet
All will participate in final editing
Lead author will submit and converse with journal
Lead author will lead peer review if accepted or submit to another journal