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The Art and Science of Great Teaching: Celebrating the Legacy of William Vennard

A one-day symposium made possible by a USC Libraries Dean’s Challenge Grant and cosponsored by the Thornton School of Music.




Welcome: Catherine Quinlan, Dean of the USC Libraries

History of the Event and Scope of the Day: Lynn Helding

The Vennard Collection: Andrew Justice

9:40-10:15 Thomas Cleveland: William D. Vennard: His Life and Legacy
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break
10:45-11:10 Scott McCoy: Tracing the Lineage
11:10-11:35 Stephen F. Austin: Something New, Something Old: Vocal Registers
11:35-12:00 Kari Ragan: Evidence-based Voice Pedagogy: In Defense of Scientific Understanding
12:00-1:50 Lunch on your own / Viewing the Vennard Collection
2:00-2:25 Ken Bozeman: Understanding the Acoustic Landscape Singers Inhabit
2:25-2:50 Lynn Helding: The Missing Mind: The Third Pillar of Voice Science
2:50-3:10 Break
3:15-3:40 Cindy Dewey: Loose Lips - Its Always Ah on the Outside
3:45-4:30 Conclusion: Questions for Speakers & Discussion, Viewing the Vennard Collection