EndNote and EndNote Online both integrate with Microsoft Word to create formatted citations. It is possible to compose your poster text in Word; add formatted citations in the text and generate a reference list using Cite While You Write; then copy and paste the text into the software you will use to lay out the poster.
This process might not work for everyone. EndNote and EndNote Online can both generate bibliographies: citations from a library, formatted into the appropriate style, in alphabetical order. Consider using the alternative workflows detailed below to complete your poster with citations formatted from EndNote or EndNote Online.
1. Add all your references to your library. Watch the video below to learn how to select the needed references, export, select a style, and save an HTML file.
You must save an HTML file as this is the only file type available from EndNote that preserves italic and bold formatting of text, both required text stylings for some citation styles.
2. After exporting, open your references in a web browser.
3. Copy the references and paste them into the references/bibliography portion of your poster text.
1. Sign in to EndNote Online.
2. Ensure all your references are in your library.
3. All the references you want to include in a bibliography must be in a group. Go to Organize-->Manage My Groups and make a new group, then add citations into it.
4. Go to Format-->Bibliography. Use the pull-down menus to select the group that includes the citations you wish to use, the appropriate bibliographic style for your poster, and use HTML format, as shown in this image:
5. Click Preview and Print to open a new browser window showing your citations.
6. Copy the references and paste them into the references/bibliography portion of your poster text.
Both techniques above result in a list alphabetized by first author.
If you are using a style that asks for citations to be alphabetized in this way, your reference list is complete. Add your in-text references using the instructions from the style you are using, and your poster citations are completed.
If you are using a style that requires citations to be listed in the numeric order in which they appear in the poster, you have a little bit of work to do.
1. Start reading your poster text from the start, looking for the first reference. Once you find it, replace the in-text citation with a numeral 1.
2. Go to your list of citations. Find the item being referenced first. Copy this citation and place it as #1 on your reference list.
3. Continue reading through the paper looking for further references to this same item. These references will also be replaced with the numeral 1.
4. Once you are at the end of the text, start over again right after the first citation. Look carefully for the second unique item being referenced. Replace this with a 2, and add the referenced item as #2 on your reference list.
5. Repeat this process until all your citations are numbered in the text and in the order they appear in your reference list.