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Holocaust Studies *: Other Useful Web Sites

This guide is intended to help any faculty, graduate, or undergraduate student find resources in the area of Holocaust Studies.

Other Useful Websites

Avalon Project: International Military Tribunal for Germany
The Avalon Project, affiliated with Yale University, provides a large number of primary source historical material online. This particular part of th Avalon Project has material from the Nuremburg Trials, much of which is related to the Holocaust."
- John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

The Holocaust (
"This site provides links for several different categories, including: Holocaust basics, camps, ghettos, victims, persecution, resistance, Nazis, museums and memorials, and book and movie reviews."John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

H-Holocaust Link (H-Net)
"Humanities and Social Sciences online (H-Net) is a large site providing scholarly book reviews and other high-quality materials. Additionally, the site provides helpful links for specific related to histopry, including the Holocaust..." - John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

Holocaust Encyclopedia
"The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) has some tremendous online resources, and the recent addition of the Holocaust Encyclopediacontinues in this tradition. The interactive Encyclopedia includes hundredsof articles that cover topics like the Third Reich, refugees, ghettos, andthe liberation of Nazi camps. Each entry contains hypertext links to otherentries and relevant resources, including timelines, photo galleries, and primary source documents."

Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Holocaust
"Paul Halsall has created several detailed history-related sourcebooks, and the one related to modern history has a large section on the Holocaust. Subjects covered include anti-Semitism, the 'Final Solution', ordinary Germans, and non-Jewish Holocaust victims." - John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

JewishGen's Holocaust Database
" a collection of databases containing information about Holocaust victims and survivors.  It contains more than two million entries, from more than 150 component datasets..."

Literature of the Holocaust
"This site is maintained by Al Filreis, kelly Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania. It provides nine pages of alphabetically-arranged links to sites on Holocaust Literature. One can also search the entire site by keyword." - John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University

 The Nizkor Project
"This site is devoted to refuting those who deny the Holocaust occurred. It draws upon a large amount of historical evidence that points to the reality of the Holocaust. While the site certainly refutes Holocaust denial, it also is helpful for learning more of the historical events related to the Holocaust."
- John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University A Cybrary of the Holocaust
"Project to create educational materials dealing with the Holocaust. Includes survival testimony, links to online sources and images."

Yad Vashem
"This site focuses on four primary areas in providing an ongoing memorial to the Holocaust: documentation, research, education, and commemoration. Of particular interest are the database of victims' names and the material on righteous gentiles of the Holocaust."
- John Jaeger, Dallas Baptist University