The Visual History Archive offers a citation generator, providing automatic citations in MLA, APA and Chicago formats.
For manual citations, while you may choose to vary the elements in accordance with your needs, we recommend that citations of Visual History Archive testimonies include the following:
1) Author - in this case, the name of the interviewee(s)
2) Title (without quotation marks) - the word "Interview" and the interview code number
3) Interviewer's name
4) Website name (italicized) - Visual History Archive
5) Publisher - USC Shoah Foundation
6) Interview
7) Testimony url
8) Access date
For example:
Pitlevnik, Khananii. Interview 30974. Interview by Iakov Zinovevich Basin. Visual History Archive, USC Shoah Foundation, 26 April 1997. [url of testimony]. Accessed 12 Jan 2022.
Pitlevnik, K. (1997, April 26). Interview 30974. Interview by Iakov Zinovevich Basin. Visual History Archive, USC Shoah Foundation. [url of testimony]. Retrieved January 12, 2022.
Chicago Manual of Style
Pitlevnik, Khananii. Interview 30974. Interview by Iakov Zinovevich Basin. Visual History Archive, USC Shoah Foundation, April 26, 1997. Accessed January 12, 2022. [url of testimony]
To cite the specific moments of a testimony, please add either the segment numbers or the relevant tape number along with the start- and end timecodes.