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Pharmaceutical and Health Economics

For faculty, staff, and students in the Division of Healthcare and Biopharmaceutical Business, Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Economics in the Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The USC Libraries license over 1500 subject-specific databases.

Subject-specific databases typically require libraries to license (pay) for access. They are collections of citations to articles published in journals covering similar topics (e.g., one database includes economics research, another database includes medical research). Database creators review journal's content and editorial policies and select only some journals to include in each database.

Because pharmacoeconomics is a highly multidisciplinary science, the literature you need may be in a "business" database or "health sciences" database, or in an interdisciplinary database that includes several areas of sciences. This page include some commonly used literature databases in these subjects. Certain research areas may also require use of additional databases from other disciplines. Contact the library to get recommendations for additional databases to use for your specific question.

Health Sciences

These databases focus on articles describing the clinical practice of healthcare. They have some coverage of health-related economics and other business factors, but the majority of the articles are on clinical and scientific advances.


These databases include materials written by and for the individuals involved in the business of healthcare, such as operating health facilities or administering insurance plans. These databases are selected for their specifically detailed coverage of healthcare-related materials, as opposed to other types of businesses.



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