The USC Libraries' databases provide full text access to peer-reviewed articles published in over 113,800 journals in print and electronic formats. See this Guide's page, DATABASES, for a listing of databases for the Digital Humanities. On this page, the list of journals provides a very small annotated illustrative sampling of journals in the digital humanities. Those which are published as "Open Access" journals worldwide are so indicated in red, below.
To access additional journals, please use the following resources:
CORE (Connecting Repositories, UK) provides free and seamless access to millions of research articles aggregated from thousands of Open Access data providers, such as repositories and journals. For more information, see brochure (PDF)
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ - an online directory) indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. It is a platform and organiZation with a global reach and a highly diverse audience: it indexes 15,100+ journals, from 134 countries, covering 80 languages.
Paperity is the first multi-disciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers in all research fields, from Sciences, Technology, Medicine, to Social Sciences, to Humanities and Arts. It gives readers easy and unconstrained access to thousands of journals from hundreds of disciplines, in one central location; it helps authors reach their target audience, disseminate discoveries more effectively and maximize research impact; and, it raises exposure of journals, boosts their readership and encourages new manuscript submissions.
CH Working Papers (CHWP or Computing in the Humanities Working Papers) are an interdisciplinary series of refereed publications on computer-assisted research. They are a vehicle for an intermediary stage at which questions of computer methodology in relation to the corpus at hand are of interest to the scholar before the computer disappears into the background.CHWP includes the following categories of publication: articles appearing for the first time; postprints, articles that were originally published in print form; preprints, articles that have been accepted for publication by print journals and that will either be withdrawn when published in print or become postprints; essays on the epistemology and sociology of computer-assisted research relevant to computing in the humanities; non-refereed experimental papers that exploit those properties of the electronic medium that are significantly different from the properties of print; mutanda, moderated but not refereed.
Digital Humanities Now Since 2009, Digital Humanities Now is an experimental, edited publication that highlights and distributes informally published digital humanities scholarship and resources from the open web.
Digital Humanities Quarterly [DHQ] “is an open-access, peer-reviewed, digital journal covering all aspects of digital media in the humanities. DHQ is published by the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)” (…) “and publishes a wide range of peer-reviewed materials.” including traditional scholarly articles and editorials as well as experiments in interactive media and reviews of books, web sites, new media art installations, digital humanities systems and tools.
Digital Literary Studies One volume only: 2016 only- An open-access, peer-reviewed digital humanities journal focused in literary studies. See: O'Sullivan, James. "Introducing Digital Literary Studies", Advancing Research Communciation & Scholarship, April 2015.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) is an international, peer reviewed journal which publishes original contributions on all aspects of digital scholarship in the Humanities including, but not limited to, the field of what is currently called the Digital Humanities. DSH was previously known as Literary and Linguistic Computing (1986-2014) and it covers “all aspects of computing applied to literature and language.”
Digital Studies / Le champ numérique (DSCN) 1996-present. A refereed academic journal that serves as an Open Access area for formal scholarly activity and as a resource for researchers in the Digital Humanities working at the intersection of technology and the humanities, in particular: the application of technology to cultural, historical, and social problems, the societal and institutional context of such applications, and the history and development of the field of Digital Humanities. It is published for the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations under the direction of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities/Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) by the Open Library of the Humanities.
Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 2011 - present. This open-access, peer-reviewed journal addresses the reformulation of the philosophical and philological study of literary works in the digital age. Its articles incorporate discussion from comparative media studies, translations, interdisciplinary approaches to philology, and "new humanist philosophy." Topics relating to Petrarch and other aspects of the humanist age are particularly emphasized. The journal is published annually.
International Journal of Digital Humanities (IJDH). 2019 – present. A peer-reviewed academic journal with a focus on digital media and the development, application and reflection of digital research methodology in the Humanities. It is concerned with the history, current practice and theory of Digital Humanities. The journal publishes original research articles and reviews on topics including, but not limited to: Digital cultural heritage with a special focus on born digital documents / archives; Data visualization, information retrieval, statistical analysis, big data; Natural language processing, named entity recognition, topic modelling, text mining; Digital scholarly editing; Semantic web technology, network theory; 3D modelling, digital visualization; Teaching Digital Humanities.
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. (IJHAC). Open Access since 1994 (Vol. 6: 1994). A multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing. The journal focuses both on conceptual and theoretical approaches, as well as case studies and essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies can further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities.
Journal of Cultural Analytics [JCA] “is an open-access journal dedicated to the computational study of culture.” [It features peer-reviewed articles as well as data sets and timely short-form debates.] Its aim is to promote high quality scholarship that applies computational and quantitative methods to the study of cultural objects (sound, image, text), cultural processes (reading, listening, searching, sorting, hierarchizing) and cultural agents (artists, editors, producers, composers).” (…) “The journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Scopus, the Directory of Open Access Journals, and the MLA Bibliography.”
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH). 2014 – present. Digital Humanities is a convergence of humanities fields (linguistic, sociology, history, psychology…) using data archives, processing and interaction. Data mining is an interdisciplinary subfield of computer science, involving the methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and database systems. The Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities is concerned with the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities, with tools provided by computing such as data visualisation, information retrieval, statistics, text mining by publishing scholarly work beyond the traditional humanities. JDMDH is a joint project of CNRS, INRAE, and INRIA.
Journal of Digital Humanities (JDH) 2011-2014. JDH “is currently on hiatus, but the three volumes (2011-2014) can be viewed online. JDH is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed, open access journal that features scholarship, tools, and conversations produced, identified, and tracked by members of the digital humanities community through Digital Humanities Now. JDH was born of the desire to publish the most interesting and innovative digital humanities gray literature. Funded by the first Press Forward grant (2011-2014) from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, JDH was closely linked to Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media’s (RRCHNM’s) publication, Digital Humanities Now. . Metrics for DHNow’s blog posts, conference presentations and white papers were used to identify content for JDH, where it was then revised, expanded upon, and eventually published in quarterly issues.
Journal of Open Humanities Data [JOHD] “The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) aims to be a key part of a thriving community of scholars sharing humanities data. The journal features peer reviewed publications describing humanities research objects or techniques with high potential for reuse.”
Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JJADH). 2015 - present. "While Digital Humanities has been practiced in Japan for more than two decades, up to now, little is known outside of Japan regarding the content of Japan advancements in this field. We therefore aim to rectify this situation by initiating a first-tier peer reviewed [open access] international journal published in English. Although we hope to be able to shed light on projects in developments in Japan, we will be accepting article submissions from DH practitioners around the world on a broad range of topics."
Reviews in Digital Humanities (RDH). A “peer-reviewed journal that facilitates scholarly evaluation of digital humanities work and its outputs. This may include, but is not limited to: digital archives, multimedia or multimodal scholarship, digital exhibits, visualizations, digital games, digital tools, and digital projects. Importantly, it is expected that the outputs selected for review in this journal will blend humanistic and technological inquiry. The goal of Reviews in Digital Humanities is to foster critical discourse about digital scholarship in a format useful to other scholars.”
Revista de humanidades digitales (RHD) 2017 – present (Languages: Spanish and English). RHD is an open access journal and does not charge fees for the submission of papers, nor fees for the processing and publication of its articles. It does not publish criticism of digital objects (e.g., criticism of electronic literature, games, literature problems on the web). This type of articles, however, can be part of special issues of the magazine. The contents of RHD are original research within the scientific and academic field. Suggested topics: data articles, research notes, reviews of books, projects, software, audio, video or interactive material related to the Digital Humanities.
Umanistica Digitale (UD). 2017- present - (Languages: Italian and English), UD is the open access journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities. It “serves as a discussion venue for topics pertaining to the Digital Humanities, ranging from the theoretical and methodological foundations of computational models in social science to the development and application of computational systems and digital tools in the humanities; from the study of new phenomena in internet cultures, to the analysis of changes happening in scientific communication and in research infrastructures. "
D-Lib Magazine – 1995-2017. D-Lib Magazine suspended publication of new issues in July 2017. This publication’s archive, is maintained by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). "D-Lib was made available on the Internet in July 1995. More than 1,000 articles and a large number of shorter pieces, featured digital collections, calls, and notices appeared in its 265 issues. Its focus was on digital library research and development, including emerging technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues, and it appealed to a broad technical and professional audience. The primary goal was timely and efficient information exchange for the digital library community to help digital libraries be a broad interdisciplinary field."
Digital Library Perspectives (1980 – present); Open access: From Volume 32 Issue: 1 (2016), to the present. Digital Library Perspectives publishes research related to the selection, creation, description, management, dissemination, preservation and use of digital libraries for the advancement of scholarship, teaching and learning. Topics include: Digitization; Digital heritage; Digital scholarship and Digital Humanities; Metadata; Research Data Management; Digital preservation and digital curation; Open Science and Open Access; Institutional repositories; Media and Information literacy; User studies; Usability studies; Access to digital libraries; Human computer interaction; Digital libraries as socio-technical systems; Education for digital librarians, competencies; Learning and teaching with digital libraries.
Journal of Library Metadata Vol. 1: 1997-1999 to the present. A peer-reviewed journal that marks the growing importance of metadata in libraries and other institutions. It is a forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. (…) The journal features original scholarly research, new developments in the field, and reviews of relevant material. Subjects covered include, but are not limited, to application profiles; best practices; controlled vocabularies; cross walking of metadata and interoperability; digital libraries and metadata; federated repositories and searching; folksonomies, individual metadata schemes; institutional repository metadata; metadata content standards; resource description framework; SKOS; topic maps; and more.
Current Research in Digital History (Vol. 1, 2018) is an annual open-access, peer-reviewed publication of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. Its primary aim is to encourage and publish scholarship in digital history that offers discipline-specific arguments and interpretations. By featuring short essays, it also seeks to provide an opportunity to make arguments on the basis of ongoing research in larger projects.
Digital Medievalist (DM) 2005 - present . The international journal of the Digital Medievalist Community. It was established in 2003 to help scholars meet the increasingly sophisticated demands faced by designers of contemporary digital projects. Digital Medievalist publishes work of original research and scholarship, theoretical articles on digital topics, notes on technological topics, commentary pieces discussing developments in the field, bibliographic and review articles, tutorials, and project reports. The journal also commissions reviews of books and major electronic sites and projects.
IMEros 2001-2005 . The IMEros journal is an annual publication produced by the Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW). Its aim is twofold: to stimulate the theoretical study of the problems and opportunities arising from the interaction between the humanities (mainly archaeology, history and museology) with multimedia and the new technologies (primarily the Internet, electronic publishing, 3D representations and virtual reality); and, by expressing the issues, propositions and concerns that such debate engenders, to highlight the theoretical and scientific basis of the projects realised at FHW and to support the special scientific and academic interests of its staff.
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. IJHAC is one of the world’s premier multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed forums for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing. The journal focuses both on conceptual and theoretical approaches, as well as case studies and essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies can further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities.
Journal of Cultural Analytics 2016 – present. An open-access journal dedicated to the computational study of culture. Its aim is to promote high quality scholarship that applies computational and quantitative methods to the study of cultural objects (sound, image, text), cultural processes (reading, listening, searching, sorting, hierarchizing) and cultural agents (artists, editors, producers, composers).
Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities. Publishes scholarly work beyond the traditional humanities by focusing on the intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities, with tools provided by computing such as data visualisation, information retrieval, statistics, and text mining.
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy promotes open scholarly discourse around critical and creative uses of digital technology in teaching, learning, and research.
Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative (JTEI) 2011 - present. The [open access] official journal of the Text Encoding initiative Consortium. It publishes the proceedings of the annual TEI Conference and Members' Meeting and special thematic issues: state-of-the-art reports on electronic textual editing, current trends in TEI encoding, and new use cases for TEI. Furthermore it provides a forum for articles on the discussion of the interface between the TEI and other communities, and more generally of the role of technological standards in the digital humanities, including digital scholarly editing, linguistic analysis, corpora creation, and newer areas such as mass digitization, semantic web research, and editing within virtual worlds
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 2008 – present. Publishes papers of significant and lasting value in all areas relating to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of Cultural Heritage. The journal encourages the submission of manuscripts that demonstrate innovative use of technology for the discovery, analysis, interpretation and presentation of cultural material, as well as manuscripts that illustrate applications in the Cultural Heritage sector that challenge the computational technologies and suggest new research opportunities in computer science.
Kairos. A a refereed open-access online journal (begun in 1996) exploring the intersections of rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy. The mission of Kairos has been to publish scholarship that examines digital and multimodal composing practices, promoting work that enacts its scholarly argument through rhetorical and innovative uses of new media. As the longest continuously-publishing online peer-reviewed journals in the field, Kairos is one of the premiere journals in English Studies, made so by its dedication to academic quality through the journal’s extensive peer-review and editorial production processes. For this journal's archive of issues click here.
Language Resources and Evaluation (previously Computers and the Humanities), was established in 1966 to report on significant new research concerning the application of computer methods to humanities scholarship in a broad range of fields including archaeology, art history, history, language and text analysis, linguistic and literary studies, music and the performing arts, as well as methodologies and applications relevant to the creation and use of digital texts, databases, images, sound video, or mixed-media. In addition to full papers Language Resources and Evaluation also publishes debates, review pieces, critical surveys, and brief notes and discussion pieces describing projects, intermediate technical results, new theories, methodologies or algorithms, and humanities data or tools of interest to the journal readership.
Lexicon Philosophicum - International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas an annual peer-reviewed journal, with an interdisciplinary character. The journal provides open access to original, unpublished high quality contributions: critical essays, research articles, short texts editions, and critical bibliographic reviews on the history of philosophy, the history of science, and the history of ideas, with a special attention to textual and lexical data. A specific section of the journal is devoted to Digital Humanities (such as digital scholarly editing, corpora creation, semantic web research).
Literary & Linguistic Computing. Literary and Linguistic Computing is the previous title for Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. All content published in volumes 1-29 of LLC will continue to be available through the LLC website. New content will be published via the Digital Scholarship in the Humanities website.
Pleiades. A community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places. Pleiades gives researchers the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades covers the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding into Ancient Near Eastern, Byzantine, Celtic, and Early Medieval geography.
Reviews in Digital Humanities (started in 2020), is the pilot of a peer-reviewed journal and project registry that facilitates scholarly evaluation and dissemination of digital humanities work and its outputs. Accepted are submissions of projects that blend humanistic and technical inquiry in a broad range of methods, disciplines, scopes, and scales. These include but are not limited to: digital archives, multimedia or multimodal scholarship, digital exhibits, visualizations, digital games, and digital tools. “We particularly encourage submission of digital scholarship in critical ethnic, African diaspora, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian American, and postcolonial studies.”
Text Technology "an eclectic journal for academics and professionals around the world, supplying articles devoted to any use of computers to acquire, analyze, create, edit, or translate texts."
Vectors - Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular . "Vectors maps the multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era, crystallizing around themes that highlight the social, political, and cultural stakes of our increasingly technologically-mediated existence. As such, the journal speaks both implicitly and explicitly to key debates across varied disciplines, including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access. Operating at the intersection of culture, creativity, and technology, the journal focuses on the myriad ways technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations, both in the past and in the present."
Computational Linguistics - 2000 to present. “Computational Linguistics is the longest-running publication devoted exclusively to the computational and mathematical properties of language and the design and analysis of natural language processing systems. This highly regarded quarterly offers university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence and machine learning investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers the latest information about the computational aspects of all the facets of research on language.”
Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 2011 - present. This open-access, peer-reviewed journal (published annually) addresses the reformulation of the philosophical and philological study of literary works in the digital age. Its articles incorporate discussion from comparative media studies, translations, interdisciplinary approaches to philology, and "new humanist philosophy."
Language Resources and Evaluation (previously Computers and the Humanities), was established in 1966 to report on significant new research concerning the application of computer methods to humanities scholarship in a broad range of fields including archaeology, art history, history, language and text analysis, linguistic and literary studies, music and the performing arts, as well as methodologies and applications relevant to the creation and use of digital texts, databases, images, sound video, or mixed-media. In addition to full papers Language Resources and Evaluation also publishes debates, review pieces, critical surveys, and brief notes and discussion pieces describing projects, intermediate technical results, new theories, methodologies or algorithms, and humanities data or tools of interest to the journal readership.