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Course Guide - French 307: Paris Maymester 2021 -: The 19th Century

A companion research resource for French Course 307, Maymester 2021: Public Memory and the Ghosts of History

Studies and Research

19th Century France  - Internet History Sourcebook (Fordham University). 

Conservatoire numérique des Arts & Métiers - Includes visual images of international expositions, official records and official publications, proceedings of congresses, reports of workers' delegations, periodicals.

NINES - (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship) is a scholarly organization devoted to forging links between the material archive of the nineteenth century and the digital research environment of the twenty-first. Example of searches that can be done: "Exposition universelle 1900” .

Haitian Revolution

Entre nous: La Révolution haïtienne et la Révolution française (1) July 9, 1989 - (Emission France Culture) 31 min. Radio Haiti's special program on the connections between the Haitian Revolution and the French Revolution. They discuss the thinking of Toussaint Louverture, Mirabeau and Julien Raimond, and the complex relations between African-born enslaved people (bossales), Saint Domingue-born enslaved people (creoles), affranchis, mixed-race people, and whites. Features commentary by Sabine Manigat and Gérard Laurent. This program was solicited by France Culture, which asked radio stations around the francophone world to reflect on the connections between the French Revolution and their own revolutions.

Haitian Revolution. A Project of the Haiti Laboratory at Duke University. Links to original documents.

Haiti Digital Library. This site, produced by Duke’s Haiti Lab, is meant to serve as a guide and portal to online resources about Haiti, specifically historical materials relating to the country and writings by Haitian authors. It is geared towards providing maximum access to these resources to Haitian readers. It is a work in progress: there is sometimes a lag between uploading documents in English and translating the material into the other languages.


Paris, Capital of the 19th century The project, "Paris, Capital of the 19th century," initiated by the French Studies and Comparative Literature Departments of Brown University, provides a window into the cultural, political and social context of 19th century Parisian culture. It offers online access to pictorial works and texts selected from the collections of the Art Slide Library, the Rockefeller Library and the John Hay Library at Brown University. The majority of the materials are drawn from the Anne S. K. Brown Collection  and the Starred Books Collection housed at the John Hay Library. These two collections provide a particularly significant and informative perspective on the political, cultural and social movements of this time period. Parisian society, military operations and dress, well-known personalities, and cityscapes are among the many subjects of images in the collection. Of particular interest to researchers is the inclusion of entire works — full text and images — for selected books and periodicals.

Places and Monuments

Le Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale. Le Jardin d’Agronomie Tropicale René-Dumont se trouve en bordure nord-est du Bois de Vincennes, du côté de Nogent-sur-Marne. Dans une forêt de 4,5 hectares aux allures sauvages, où se mêlent pins, ginkgos, érables et bambous, les promeneurs découvrent au hasard de leur marche les vestiges de l’époque coloniale française. On dit parfois de ce parc qu’il est le plus romantique de la capitale, en raison des nombreuses ruines qu’il abrite. (...) Créé en 1889, le Jardin d’agronomie tropicale abritait des serres où l’on cultivait le café, la vanille, la muscade, les bananes ou le cacao. L’objectif était d’"accroître les productions agricoles des colonies et améliorer l’approvisionnement de la France en produits exotiques". (...) En plus des serres, le jardin a abrité cinq villages symboles des colonies de l’Empire français, construits pour l’exposition coloniale de 1907.