BibCNRS - A multidisciplinary portal which provides access to a central repository of several million articles, e-books and scientific databases.
Cambridge Core - The gateway to Cambridge University Press e-journals.and e-books. Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. Access to over 1.6 million journal articles and 36,000+ books.
Credo Reference - Provides full-text online access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections and handbooks, covering every major subject including art, history, law, medicine, psychology, technology, bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias. It also provides Mind Maps that visually show relationships between topics and keywords. See also the “Quick tips” videos.
Eight Centuries (formerly: 19th Century Masterfile) - A vast scholarly database for finding published material from the 12th century through 1930. It offers multidisciplinary coverage of primary materials in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, History of Science, Law, Economics, Religion, Psychology, Government Documents, Visual Arts, Music, and the Physical Sciences.
Gale Literature Resource Center - Biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from every age and literary discipline.
Google Scholar @ USC: Getting Started - Learn how to connect to USC subscription database from Google Scholar.
Historical Abstracts - Covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including military history, women's history, history of education, and much more.This database provides indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955 and access to the full text of more than 349 journals and more than 120 books.
Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism - This guide lists alphabetically key critics and dominant "schools" of critical thought from antiquity to modern times. Descriptive entries include bibliographies and hyperlinked cross references. See PDF: User Guide:
JSTOR- JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million full text academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines, including: humanities, social sciences, and science.
Literature Criticism Online - Comprises collections of English-language scholarly and popular commentary on literary works in most languages ranging from the classical to Shakespeare to contemporary publications.
MLA Bibliography with Full Text - From the Modern Language Association (MLA) and EBSCO, this resource combines an extensive collection of full-text journals with the definitive index for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. For efficient searches see: Term Thesaurus.
Oxford Bibliographies - Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides across a variety of subject areas. Combines the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia; directs researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.
Periodical Index Online Periodicals Index Online covers 37 key subject areas in the humanities and social sciences and offers vast variety within these subject areas. It currently indexes over 18 million articles (in over 5,500 periodicals in the humanities and social sciences) going as far back as 1665 Over three centuries of scholarly publication in 40 languages and dialects are indexed, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages.
Project Muse - Complete, full-text versions of scholarly journals from many of the world's leading universities and scholarly societies. Currently, Project MUSE has over 700 journals from 125 publishers and offers nearly 70,000 books from more than 140 presses. All books are fully integrated with Project MUSE's scholarly journal content. In addition to the "Search" option, see Section: Content for courses and Research.
Proquest Research Library - Includes thousands of full-text titles, with a diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, important and general interest magazines. This combination of general reference volume and scope makes it one of the broadest, multi-disciplinary general reference databases.
ABU: La Bibliothèque Universelle - Since 1993 free access to e-books by French authors as well as links to French dictionaries and other reference sources. To access the texts, consult the catalog of authors or the catalog of texts . You can also do word searches on the entire corpus. You also have access to several dictionaries. In addition, consult the ClicNet meta-catalog in the United States.
ARTFL (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language). In addition to subscription services, ARTFL also supports many Public Access Databases including the Dictionnaires d'autrefois, the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert, and the Bibliothèque Bleue de Troye.
Bibliothèque Bleue- The Bibliothèque Bleue de Troyes represents a long and storied tradition in popular French print culture. Spanning more than 250 years and involving the publication of mass-produced, inexpensive books that were sold to peasants for pennies by colporteurs (peddlers), the Bibliothèque bleue comprises texts ranging from the practical (recipes, almanacs, and how-to books) to the pious (hagiographies, prayer books, and other religious instruction) and to the entertaining (fiction, romans de chevalerie, songbooks, burlesque), providing a unique insight into the popular culture of 17th to mid-19th century France.
Euratlas – History of Europe - Digital Historical Cartography of Europe: Historical and geographical maps covering 2000 years of European history.
Eurodocs - History of France: Primary Documents. Links to primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. In addition you will find video or sound files, maps, photographs or other imagery, databases, and other documentation. The sources cover a broad range of historical happenings (political, economic, social and cultural). The order of documents is chronological wherever possible.
Europeana This website provides access to works in thousands of European archives, libraries and museums, in order to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research. You can access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help you find what you're looking for.
Europeana Virtual Library - World War I, Hildegard of Bingen, Art Nouveau, and the Euro are all covered in the multilingual Europeana archive. This site includes over 15 million digital items culled from about 1,500 institutions throughout Europe, including the National Archives of Finland, the Germanisches National Museum, the British Library, and the Slovak National Gallery. Content includes images, videos, and film clips both individually and in curated online exhibitions.
Gallica - The Bibliothèque nationale de France's digital library of texts and images from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. It is one of the major digital libraries available for free via the Internet. It provides access to any type of document: printed documents (books, press and magazines) in image and text mode, manuscripts, sound and iconographic documents, maps and plans. it is accessible in both English and French. Choose the Recherche avancée (advanced search) button to search the collection by title, author, subject or keyword, or browse by books, manuscripts, images, or maps.
Google Arts & Culture - A non-profit initiative. "We work with cultural institutions and artists around the world. Together, our mission is to preserve and bring the world’s art and culture online so it’s accessible to anyone, anywhere."
Oxford Scholarship Online - Offers access to thousands of academic works from Oxford University Press, covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law. In numbers (as of Spring 2021): 17,000+ books; 27 subject modules; 370+ subdisciplines.
World Digital Library - Search 19,147 items about 193 countries between 8000 BCE and 2000.
(WWW-VL) World Wide Web Virtual Library - History and Images Index - The History and Images Index provides Internet resources on still images, history of images, and on the use of images as historical sources. This portal is hosted by the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Overlappings and intersections with other indexes are distinctive features of these pages, please check out the related VL sites section.