Many university Anthropology departments maintain excellent websites with links to a variety of resources, including software, discussion lists, organizations, electronic journals, etc.
National Museum of the American Indian
American Indian Resource Center
American Museum of Natural History: Division of Anthropology
University of California Libraries
The European Library: the National Libraries of Europe
WorldCat: Contains over 179,000,000 records for materials held by libraries around the world
American Anthropological Association (AAA) - The world's largest scholarly and professional organization of anthropologists.
Society for Cultural Anthropology - With members from the U.S., Canada, Europe and Australia, the SCA highlights a concern for culture and fosters interdisciplinary connections.
ANSSWeb - The official website of the Anthropology and Sociology section for the Association of College Research Libraries.
Anthropology Book Forum - The Forum publishes a broad range of conversations focused on discussing and evaluating newly published work relevant to anthropological audiences.
The Conversation - An independent, nonprofit publisher of commentary and analysis by academics and edited by journalists for the general public. Short articles (800-1000 words) by academics on timely topics related to their research.
Archaeology Data Service - The only accredited digital repository in the UK for heritage data.
The Archaeology Channel - A streaming media website hosted by the Archaeological Legacy Institute (ALI), a nonprofit organization devoted to bringing attention to the human cultural heritage by using media in efficient and effective ways.
Listen to a selection from the British Library’s extensive collections of unique sound recordings, which come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound: accents & dialects, oral history, music, drama and literature, traditional music, and more.
American Museum of Natural History Research Library Digital Repository
The AMNH Library Digital Repository is an archive maintained by the research library and is freely available to scholars around the world to support their research.
The Anthropology Collection contains scientific data, field notes, and other digitized materials.
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