USC's Associate Vice Provost for Institutional Accessibility and ADA Compliance is USC's top administrator for accessibility. This position is currently held by Christine Street.

This position is charged with ensuring regulatory compliance and oversight of all matters related to access and accommodation for individuals with disabilities, in collaboration with schools, divisions, governmental agencies, and advocacy groups supporting students, faculty, staff and visitors. This charge includes, but is not limited to:
- Oversight of disability-related support services and educational resources
- Development of policies and procedures for services, access and accommodations
- Coordination of educational programs and training on disability-related topics
- Oversight of regulatory compliance activities
- Guidance and evaluation of efforts to improve access
- Ongoing consultation with organizations representing individuals with disabilities
- Enforcement of appropriate accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities
- Coordination with the Accessibility Advisory Committee, which exists to help identify the barriers experienced by students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities; to help prioritize barrier removal; to offer advice and guidance on other issues related to ADA; and to recommend cost and feasibility studies so as to arrive at the most cost-effective and efficient means of achieving barrier removal
- Oversight of the university’s open-ended ADA transition plan, which identifies needed barrier removal projects and places them on an implementation timeline
- Coordination with Facilities Management Services as to barrier removal projects