Veterans Services @ USC: HOME

This guide provides contact information for available services at USC for Veterans.

USC Veterans Resource Center

The USC Veterans Resource Center was established in 2014.  The Center, established through the efforts of the Office of Academic Records and Registrar and the Division of Student Affairs, provides a space for student veterans to utilize.

The location is Tutor Campus Center (TCC) Suite 330. 

At the USC VRC visitors will find the offices of the USC Veterans Certification Office , connect with other student veterans, make use of the lounge and space to study.  

Résumés for Military Veterans - Purdue Online Writing Lab

Stacey Dearing maintains a series of pages that provide military veterans guidance on translating military terminology and jargon for the civilian work force.


Introduction -  provides initial strategies for veterans to use while transitioning into the civilian work force.

Terminology & Experience - helpful section that shows how to "civilianize" your document and translate the military duties, jargon, and acronyms into civilian terms.

Common Questions & Additional Resources - provides some answers to questions and suggestions on places to seek additional help in transitioning your military experience to the civilian work force.  


This page also includes other online resources:

Career One Stop (Sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor & The American Job Center)

O*Net Online (Sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor & The American Job Center)

My Next Move For Veterans (Sponsored by the US Dept. of Labor & The American Job Center)

Linked In Veterans Resources (This site provides access for veterans to free online classes, including one on Translating your Military Experience to Civilian Life.) 




Locations of Service Records from the National Archives

The National Archives has Military Service Records.


Other links include:

Replace Veterans' Medals, Awards, and Decorations.

Veterans’ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



Dr. Eduardo Tinoco

Current position @ USC:

Business Librarian

USC Marshall School of Business

USC Leventhal School of Accounting

USC Libraries

Subject Expertise:

Business, Accounting, Economics,

Military Science, and Naval History

Student Veteran transition to higher education

Public & academic library leadership


Veteran - US Army (84-88)


A Co, 3d Ranger Battalion -   75th Ranger Regiment 

6th Ranger Training Battalion - Florida Ranger Camp, Eglin Air Force Base 

Ranger School Class 12-86undefined


USC Contact Info:

Accounting Library

3660 Trousdale Parkway

Los Angeles, CA 90089

213 740 9167

Send Email

Links: Website