Limit search to publication type: practice guideline
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowAn evidence-based resource covering multiple medical specialties. Includes topic monographs, patient education, practice updates, drug interactions, guidelines, and medical calculators. To obtain CME, create a personal profile and log in.
VisualDxThis link opens in a new windowClinical information tool with emphasis on dermatological and opthalmological disorders. Thousands of images of diseases and disorders on different locations and skin tones. Search by diagnosis or build a differential diagnosis.
Critically-Appraised Journal Articles (Synopses)
The following resources critically appraise journal articles.
For USC Full Text:
Go to Scholar Settings; Click on "Library Links" and type in “University of Southern California” in Library Links; select “ University of Southern California - Find it @ USC”.
MEDLINE (Ovid)This link opens in a new windowAccess to MEDLINE database through Ovid. Citations to articles related to clinical and research information in the bio-medical sciences. Coverage ranges from 1946-present.
PubMed@USCThis link opens in a new windowPubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. This version of PubMed has been customized for USC users. Use the USC PubMed site to find the full-text of articles from over 1400 journals and information on local library holdings.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowLarge abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Includes bibliometrics tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Provided by Elsevier.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowISI Citation Databases are multidisciplinary databases of bibliographic information indexed so that you can search for specific articles by subject, author, journal, and/or author address. USC has access to three citation databases:- Science Citation Index - Social Sciences Citation Index - Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Psychosocial Issues
ERIC (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowThis database contains information on published and unpublished sources on thousands of educational topics. Updated monthly.
PsycINFOThis link opens in a new windowAbstract and citation database of scholarly literature in psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. Includes journal articles, books, reports, theses, and dissertations from 1806 to present.
Sociological AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowAbstract database of sociology and social and behavioral sciences literature from 1952 to present. Includes journal articles, conference papers, books, and dissertations.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowInterdisciplinary collection of journal articles, conference proceedings, and books. Collection of seven online database: Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Index Chemicus, Current Chemical Reactions, and Book Citation Index. Coverage is 1900-present.
Differential Diagnosis
DiagnosaurusThis link opens in a new windowAllows searching of over 1000 differential diagnoses by symptoms, diseases and organ systems. Link from Diagnosaurus directly into other books within AccessMedicine.
GIDEONThis link opens in a new windowDatabase for diagnosing infectious diseases. Includes differential diagnosis tool, current information on disease outbreaks, and epidemiological data.
VisualDxThis link opens in a new windowClinical information tool with emphasis on dermatological and opthalmological disorders. Thousands of images of diseases and disorders on different locations and skin tones. Search by diagnosis or build a differential diagnosis.