Dental Clinicians: Library Resources/Catalog

Resources for dental professionals providing patient care.

Videos: Find Books, Journals, Articles, & Databases in the Library Catalog

How to Log In

Click on a link to a library resource from the USC Libraries website or catalog, and log in with your USC NetID and password. This is the same ID and password as your USC email account. 

NetID: Your NetID is the first part of your email address without the part. For example if your email was, your NetID would be jose_342. 

USC log in - enter your USC Net ID and password to log into library resources

Searching the USC Libraries Catalog

Find and access library resources using the Everything search or the various library catalog options available on the drop-down on the big search box is available on the main USC Libraries homepage and the Wilson Dental Library homepage.

Everything search

You can also click "Find" on the top menu on any page of the Libraries website to access the library catalog or the database or journal search. 

Find menu