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This is the primary research guide for Gerontology students and faculty


Resources on this page point to specific statistical datasets and publications on gerontology from a variety of databases. For a guide to general data and statistical information and sources, visit: Statistics & Data. Other links to data resources are included below.

For specific data published in the U.S., search Google and include .gov
That will limit your search to sites such as CDC, NIH and other governmental sites.

Abbreviations - ACL: Administration for Community Living (HHS); CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (HHS); NIA: National Institute on Aging (NIH, HHS); NIH: National Institutes of Health (HHS); HHS: U.S Dept. of Health and Human Services; SSA: Social Security Administration

U.S. Publications (see below for US datasets)

U.S. Tables, Datasets and Charts

Many of these include both datasets and related publications.

California Datasets and Publications

World Data and Datasets

Additional Publications