Pharmacy Preceptors: Drug Information

These electronic drug information resources are available to you as a USC preceptor, to use while educating USC Pharm D students. These represent some of the most commonly used drug information resources. Explore the guides or search the catalog for more materials owned by the libraries.

Type of Question Best Bet Resource Alternate Resource(s)
Adverse Drug Reactions Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs
Compounding The Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding



Drug-Drug Interactions Stockley's Drug Interaction Pocket Companion 2016
Drug-Food Interactions Use interactive tools in Facts & Comparisons E-Answers or Micromedex  
Equivalent Products The Orange Book. Need help using the Orange Book? Watch a video from the FDA.  
Foreign Drugs (Non-US) Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. Accessed via Micromedex. Search for a drug name, then select the Martindale entry from results.
  • Index Nominum. Accessed via Micromedex. Search for a drug name, then select the Index Nominum entry from results.
Geriatrics UpToDate Lexidrug includes Geriatric Lexi-Drugs. Search for a drug name, then select the geriatric monograph.  
Identification Identidex (through Micromedex)
Infectious Disease Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy
IV Compatibility ASHP Injectable Drug Information (former title: Trissel's)
Laboratory tests Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests.  
Natural products Natural Medicines
  • Natural Products Database available in UpToDate Lexidrug. Search for the product/ingredient and select the result from Natural Products Database.
Off-label use Facts and Comparisons Off-Label available in UpToDate Lexidrug. Search for the drug and select the result from Facts and Comparisons Off-Label.
OTC Medications Handbook of Non-Prescription Drugs
Package inserts DailyMed
  • Many manufacturers make the package inserts available freely through their websites.
Pediatrics UpToDate Lexidrug includes Pediatric Lexi-Drugs. Search for a drug name, then select the pediatric monograph.
Pregnancy & Lactation Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation (formerly known as Brigg's)
Pricing Red Book (Print edition discontinued; only access available via Micromedex)

The Red Book includes the most comprehensive pricing data.

  • Free websites like or will aggregate costs paid by patients to fill prescriptions, with or without insurance coverage.
  • Search literature for cost-comparison articles to find additional pricing and cost data.
Stability & Compatibility ASHP Injectable Drug Information (former title: Trissel's)
Toxicology Lexi-Tox, part ofUpToDate Lexidrugs subscription. Select More Clinical Tools, then Toxicology.
  • Lexi-Tox, part of UpToDate Lexidrug subscription. Select More Clinical Tools, then Toxicology.
Veterinary Information Merck Veterinary Manual
  • Search the Catalog for names of species and type of information needed ("cows and vaccine"; "dogs and analgesics") to find handbooks on specific animal species.
  • PubMed@USC includes primary articles covering veterinary care.
  • BIOSIS includes basic sciences and veterinary-specific articles.