Older adults are more likely than any other age group to require medical care or hospitalization. They are a large demographic seen by the Keck Medicine of USC healthcare team.
The 2015 World report on ageing and health defines the goal of healthy ageing as helping people to develop and maintain the functional ability that enables wellbeing. Functional ability consists of the intrinsic capacity of the individual, the environment of the individual and the interactions between them. Intrinsic capacity is “the composite of all the physical and mental capacities that an individual can draw on” - WHO ICOPE Handbook
Medical Handbooks and reference books may include a section on older adults.
Surgical Decision Making in Geriatrics A Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Approach
In PubMed, the MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) database is linked on the PubMed front page. Articles indexed with medical subject headings ensures relevant, or specific, results.
Searching MeSH for Elderly, or Older Adult translates to Aged, with the narrower terms below, including Frail Elderly.
Do note that a simple keyword search will capture articles that do not include indexed terms but may still be relevant. For example, in July 2024 the search "Frail Elderly"[Mesh] resulted in 16K+ articles, whereas just typing keywords: frail elderly resulted in 20K+ articles.