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Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Resources for assessing the social determinants of health, and actions taken to increase health equity, diversity and inclusion.

Resources to Advance Health Equity

Most sections of this guide will have resources relevant to health equity. Here are a few that directly address the issue.

Health Equity has been a PubMed MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) term since 2016.

Health Disparities is not a PubMed MeSH term, but (in July 2024)  it does return the five MeSH terms below, and maps as an entry term to Health Inequities.

Health Inequities, introduced in 2022

Healthcare Disparities, introduced in 2008

Health Status Disparities, introduced in 2008

Socioeconomic Disparities in Health, introduced in 2023

Minority Health, introduced in 2008

These concepts may be searched in PubMed as a MeSH term, such as "Healthcare Disparities"[Mesh], or as keywords. They are an excellent way to uncover areas of need in a particular field or specialty.