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Political Science *

Below are links to databases and scholarly web sites that support the study of political science and its related sub-disciplines.

Tribal Governments

Official Websites

  • Administration for Native Americans -- serves to promote self-sufficiency among all Native Americans by fostering the development of stable, diversified local economies and economic activities that help to provide jobs, promote community and economic well-being, encourage community partnerships, and reduce dependency on public funds and social services; supporting local access to, control of and coordination of services and programs that safeguard the health and well-being of native children and families; and, increasing the number of projects involving youth and inter-generational activities in Native American communities.
  • American Indian Environmental Office --  link to the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to protect human health and the environment of federally recognized tribes by supporting implementation of federal environmental laws consistent with the federal trust responsibility, the government-to-government relationship, and agency's 1984 Indian Policy.
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs -- mission is to enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. Within the agency, the Office of Indian Services operates the BIA's general assistance, disaster relief, Indian child welfare, tribal government, Indian Self-Determination, and reservation roads programs; the Office of Justice Services directly operates or funds law enforcement, tribal courts, and detention facilities on Federal Indian lands; the Office of Trust Services works with tribes and individuals in the management of their trust lands, assets, and resources; and, the Office of Field Operations oversees twelve regional offices and 83 agencies which carry out the Bureau's mission at the tribal level.
  • National Indian Gaming Commission -- an independent federal regulatory agency that supports and promotes tribal economic development, self-sufficiency, and strong tribal governments through the operation of gaming on Indian lands.
  • National Museum of the American Indian -- museum dedicated to the preservation, study, and exhibition of the life, languages, literature, history, and arts of Native Americans. The Museum operates three facilities: the museum on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. offers exhibition galleries and spaces for performances, lectures and symposia, research, and education; the George Gustav Heye Center (GGHC) in New York City houses exhibitions, research, educational activities, and performing arts programs; and, the Cultural Resources Center (CRC) in Suitland, Maryland, houses the museum's collections as well as the conservation, repatriation, digital imaging programs, and research facilities.
  • Office of Native American Programs -- provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs, the office ensures that safe, decent, and affordable housing is available to Native American families, creates economic opportunities for tribes and Indian housing residents, assists tribes in the formulation of plans and strategies for community development, and assures fiscal integrity in the operation of the programs.
  • Office of Tribal Justice – formed within the Department of Justice, the office serves as the program and legal policy advisor to the Attorney General with respect to the treaty and trust relationship between the United States and Indian tribes; serves as the point of contact for federally recognized tribal governments and tribal organizations with respect to questions and comments regarding DOJ policies and programs and issues relating to public safety and justice in Indian country; and, coordinates with other bureaus, offices, and divisions within the Department of Justice to ensure that each component has an accountable process to ensure meaningful and timely consultation with tribal leaders in the development of regulatory policies and other actions.

Specialized Resources

  • Index of Native American Resources on the Internet [copy and paste this link:] -- comprehensive, up-to-date, and well-organized index of Native American online resources covering Native American nations, culture, history, health, law/government, advocacy organizations, education, art, literature, and archeology. A good starting point for finding information.
  • Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties -- compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler, this historically significant, seven volume compilation contains U.S. treaties, laws and executive orders pertaining to Native American Indian tribes. These digitized volumes cover U.S. Government treaties with Native Americans from 1778-1883 (Volume II) and U.S. laws and executive orders concerning Native Americans from 1871-1970 (Volumes I, III-VII).
  • Indigenous Digital Archive’s Treaties Explorer – a freely accessible digital history resource housed at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The website hosts the full text of 374 treaties that were ratified from 1722 to 1869  between Indian tribal nations and American governments. Included are interactive features, including maps of lands ceded in each treaty. A National Archives identifier links to each item’s corresponding entry in the National Archives’ catalog, where users can download each treaty as a TIFF or PDF document. Located under the “Places” tab, an interactive map lets users look up a state, town, or ZIP code to view nearby Indian cessions. Users can browse or search for treaties by keyword, Native nation, date range, and other filters.
  • National Indian Law Library –  a law library created by the Native American Rights Fund that is devoted to federal Indian and tribal law. Site includes access to tribal self-governance documents including tribal constitutions, codes, ordinances, charters, bylaws and intergovernmental agreements, legal pleadings from important Indian law cases (1970s - 1990s), Indian law treatises, case law reporters, handbooks, and manuals, Native American Rights Fund publications, and federal legislative history documents relating to Indian law including statutes, congressional hearings and reports. The site allows users to search across the entire collection of tribal codes, court opinions, and other legal materials from more than 300 participating tribes.
  • Native Health Database -- a source for information about the health and well-being of Native Americans and Alaska Natives provided by the National Library of Medicine. The information is derived from Tribal, state, national, and some international organizations and agencies, as well as from professional societies and universities. The links include an assortment of documents, web sites, databases, videos, and other resources. Unique sections on Traditional Healing and Traditional Tobacco Use bring together centuries of knowledge and experience.

National Tribal Organizations