Physical Exams
Anesthesia and Sedation
Clinical Dentistry
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Preventative Dentistry and Public Health
Dental Jurisprudence
Medically Compromised
Dental Hygiene
Consider using these keywords as you search within textbooks or other library resources:
application for treatment, CORAH/dental anxiety scale, dental materials fact sheet, dental treatment planning, ethics, HIPAA, informed consent, medical history, patient intake forms, patient privacy, patients' bill of rights and responsibilities, smoking assessment/cessation forms, vital signs
biofilm, coronal morphology, dental plaque, gingival pigmentation, gingivitis diagnosis, gingivitis, infection control, ASA-I-III medical/patient type, intraoral and extraoral examination, lymph node assessment, oral cancer sites, periodontal charting
dental radiation, dental radiography, meningioma(s), radiography techniques
CAMBRA, caries risk assessment, nitrous oxide, occlusion classes, oral anesthesia, oral hygiene instructions, oral prophylaxis, role of dental hygienist/assistant, topical anesthesia