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PBL Citations Guide

Examples for Common PBL Reference Types

For PBL Learning Need Packets, you are required to use a citation format created by Ostrow faculty designed to help PBL facilitators locate your references. 

Please use the examples below to format citations for PBL Learning Need Packets.

Book (print)

Öst L-G, Skaret E, “Chapter 1, Symptoms, Clinical Characteristics and Consequences” In: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dental Phobia and Anxiety. John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2013. Print


Öst L-G, Skaret E, “Chapter 1, Symptoms, Clinical Characteristics and Consequences” In: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dental Phobia and Anxiety. John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2013. 

Journal Article 

Norman L. Corah, Elliot N. Gale, Stephen J. Illig, Assessment of a dental anxiety scale, The Journal of the American Dental Association, Volume 97, Issue 5, 1978, Pages 816-819, IS   0002-8177.

Drug Monograph

Lexi-Drugs. (2024, August 21). Acetaminophen. In UptoDate Lexidrug 


Image              The_Intraoral_and_Extraoral_Exam

  • Citations for online sources should include a direct link to the full-text.
  • Citations should be listed and numbered in the References section of your packet in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • In-text citations are usually not required for PBL packets (ask your facilitator). However, if your facilitator asks you to include in-text citations, the number of the citation from your References list can be placed within the body of your paper, along with the cited information. 
  • View sample In-Text Citations for PBL

Generating Citations in AccessMedicine, Stat!Ref, and R2 Library

Access Medicine, R2 Library, and Stat!Ref all have options for automatically generating reference citations for ebook chapters and journal articles. This will help you locate the information you need to construct your citations.

You MUST proofread automatically generated references for accuracy. 

In Access Medicine you can cite a book or chapter by clicking "Get Citation" in the menu bar below the book or chapter title.


In R2 Library you can cite a book or chapter by clicking "Tools" followed by "Export Citation" in the menu above the book or chapter title, and below the search box.


In Stat!Ref you can cite a book or chapter by clicking "Citations" from the menu bar above the book or chapter title.



Generating Citations in USC Libraries Catalog

You can generate a citation for a book found in the USC Libraries Catalog by simply clicking on the quotation mark (") icon. Select between multiple style options.

Generating Citations in Google Scholar

You can generate formatted citations via Google Scholar by clicking on the quotation marks (") icon below the citation. Please be sure to double check the citation information for accuracy.

Generating Citations in PubMed

You can generate formatted citations via PubMed@USC by clicking on the "Cite" button to the right of the abstract. Please be sure to double check the citation information for accuracy.

Dental Librarian

Profile Photo
Jennifer Silverman

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC
Wilson Dental Library
925 W. 34th Street, DEN 21
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0641