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International Business: Hong Kong

Helpful resources to explore countries, markets, industries and companies around the world.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is designated as a 'Special Administrative Region (SAR)" of China.  Find more general information on our China country profile page.

USC International Business Databases

Public Websites for Country Information

Books & e-Books

Search USC Libraries Catalog for "HONG KONG and BUSINESS" or "HONG KONG and CULTURE" to locate books on these topics.  Try other search terms as well, such as "CHINA.".  Note: If a book is checked out, it can take up to two weeks to recall.  You can also find full-text books online through eBrary.

USC Article Databases

Search for articles written about business in a specific country in ABI/Inform, Factiva and Lexis/Nexis Academic. Some possible topics are "COUNTRY NAME" or INDUSTRY TRENDS and Name of Country" Use database search tools (Search Builder, Advanced Search or Search Options) to limit by location (geography or region). Search for articles written about business in locally published publications listed under media.

Local News Sources

Country Risk Reports

Country Information - Public Websites