Provides a comprehensive search of USC Libraries' print and online collections. From one search box you can see what books and e-books USC owns -- searches the USC Libraries Catalog and Health Science Campus's Library Catalog
A catalog of catalogs. WorldCat contains millions of records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Records provide information about individual library holdings. Types of materials include books, journals, musical scores, computer data files, magazines, newspapers, computer programs, sound recordings, films and slides, maps, videotapes, and manuscripts written as early as the 12th century. Updated daily.
OCLC, Online Computer Library Center, is a nonprofit, membership, library computer service and research organization. WorldCat contains millions of bibliographic records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Item records provide information about individual library holdings. Types of materials include books, journals, musical scores, computer data files, magazines, newspapers, computer programs, sound recordings, films and slides, maps, videotapes, and manuscripts written as early as the 12th century. Updated daily.
ILL is a free service, available to all students, faculty and staff, that allows you to borrow material not owned by USC or otherwise unavailable from our collection.
ILL will also obtain copies of articles, book chapters, and other documents from resources not owned or otherwise unavailable from USC.
Once received, physical items are made available at the Leavey Library circulation desk to check out. Requested articles and book chapters are delivered to you via email.
Book Reviews
Use these databases and websites to search for academic book reviews:
Provides access to the complete content of hundreds of scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences. As of January 2012, Project MUSE has added thousands of university press ebooks to its collection. However, USC does not necessarily have access to all of them via Project MUSE. If you are interested in one of these titles, please search the general library catalog to see if we have access.
(Using the Advanced Search Screen, restrict results to Book Review)
Other sources of book reviews:
H-Net Reviews - Reviewing books is a primary mission of of H-Net. While print journals generally take a year or more to review new publications, H-Net obtains and distributes professional reviews in just months.