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Multimedia Resources (Health Sciences)

Videos, images, and sounds for instruction, posters, presentations, and studying.

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help faculty find multimedia to incorporate into instruction and help students find multimedia for study and to incorporate into class presentations. This guide consists mostly of library-licensed and some freely available resources for finding videos, images, audio, and case studies. 

Linking, Sharing & Embedding

Each USC Libraries licensed platform has unique features. However, all the platforms offer some way to link, share, or embed images and videos. 

  1. Sign into the USC Libraries platform or database with your USC Net ID and password. 
  2. Look for options to download, share, link, or embed next to each video or image. 
  3. Some platforms will allow you to embed a video and others will only allow you to link or share a video.
  4. Many platforms require you to create a personal account (in addition to signing in with your USC Net ID and password) in order to download, link, share, or embed.
  5. Most platforms have a mechanism for generating a citation for an image or video for you. If not, make sure to cite the source in your preferred style. 

Please contact the Libraries if you have questions or would like assistance.