The research poster and reflection essay will be evaluated on the following criteria and rubrics.
Your research poster must:
The reflective essay must be 500-1000 words and discuss how:
Criteria |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Focus |
The thesis and purpose are clearly stated. The topic is focused on a specific topic in dental research. Diversity, equity, and inclusion* are thoroughly discussed in relation to the dental topic. |
The thesis and purpose are fairly clearly stated. The topic is focused on dental research but lacks specific direction. Addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion* in relation to dental topic, but discussion lacks depth and direction. |
Topic, thesis & purpose are vague or too broad. The discussion on diversity, , equity, and inclusion* is vague or too broad. |
The topic, thesis, and purpose are not clearly defined. The discussion on diversity, equity, and inclusion* is missing and/or not developed or clearly defined. |
Organization |
Organization fully supports thesis and purpose. Sequence of ideas is effective. Transitions are smooth and effective. |
Organization supports thesis and purpose. Transitions are generally appropriate. However, sequence of ideas could be improved. |
Some signs of logical organization in support of the thesis. Transitions are abrupt, illogical, and/or ineffective. |
Unclear organization and/or organization inappropriate to thesis and/or no transitions. |
Support |
Substantial, logical, and concrete development of ideas based on high-quality research evidence. Assumptions are made explicit. Details are germane, original, and convincingly interpreted. |
Offers solid but less original reasoning based on research evidence. Assumptions are not always recognized or made explicit. Contains some appropriate details or examples. |
Offers some support that may be dubious, too broad or obvious, and based on minimal and/or low-quality research evidence. Details are too general, not interpreted, irrelevant to thesis, or inappropriately repetitive. |
Offers simplistic, undeveloped, or cryptic support for ideas; inappropriate or off-topic generalization; faulty assumptions; and/or errors of fact. |
Synthesis |
Ties together and synthesizes information from all sources and demonstrates a strong understanding of the relationship between information across sources. |
For the most part, ties together and synthesizes information from all sources and demonstrates a somewhat strong understanding of the relationship between information across sources. |
Only minimally ties together information from all sources and demonstrates a weak understanding of the relationship between information across sources. |
Does not tie together information or demonstrate understanding of relationships. |
Sources |
Uses a variety of peer-reviewed sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute for writer’s own development of ideas. Justifies use of all selected sources and addresses level and quality of evidence. Always conforms to style manual for paraphrasing and direct quotations. |
Uses a variety of peer-reviewed sources to support, extend, and inform the writer’s own development of ideas. Does not always justify use of selected sources or address level and quality of evidence. Uses quotes and paraphrasing but may not always conform to required style manual. |
Uses relevant sources but substitutes them for the writer’s own ideas. Quotations and paraphrases may be too long and/or inconsistently referenced. Only minimally justifies use of selected sources and/or addresses level and quality of evidence. |
Fails to use sources and/or overuses quotations or paraphrasing and/or uses source material without acknowledgement. Does not justify use of selected sources and/or address level and quality of evidence. |
Citations |
Cites all data obtained from other sources. A consistent citation style is used in both text and bibliography. |
Cites most data obtained from other sources. A consistent citation style is used in both text and bibliography. |
Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect. |
Does not cite all or most sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect. |
Spelling & Grammar |
No spelling &/or grammar mistakes. |
Minimal spelling &/or grammar mistakes. |
Noticeable spelling & grammar mistakes. |
Unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes. |
* Diversity, equity, inclusion also includes social determinants of health, health disparities, cultural competency, cultural humility, and accessibility.
Rubric adapted from USC CET academic essay rubric and Cornell College research paper rubric example.
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Clearly and completely addresses all 5 criteria listed in the Reflection Essay Guidelines. Demonstrates remarkable skill and creativity in the use of library resources and services. Adheres to required length. |
Clearly and completely addresses 4 of the 5 criteria. Demonstrates effective use of library resources and services. Adheres to required length |
Clearly and completely addresses addresses 3 of the 5 criteria. Demonstrates somewhat effective use of library resources and services. Adheres to required length. |
Addresses 2 of the 6 criteria, or addresses more than 2 criteria but not clearly or competently. Demonstrates minimal use of library resources and services. Adheres to required length. |
Does not adhere to the required length. |