Time Chapters
0:00 1.01 - Workshop Introduction
2:27 1.02 - Workshop Teaching Format
4:57 1.03 - Introduction to R and RStudio
10:42 1.04 - The R and RStudio Interface
14:04 1.05 - Getting Situated in RStudio
17:31 1.06 - Using Comment Lines, Set Working Directory
26:22 1.07 - How To Use R Help Files
38:30 1.08 - Objects, Variables, Classes
47:14 1.09 - Data Structures: Vector
58:08 1.10 - Data Structures: Factor, Matrix
1:07:43 1.11 - Data Structures: Data Frame, List
1:13:17 1.12 - Operators
Note: The workshop materials download link mentioned in the video is no longer valid, please refer to the link in the Introduction section above for the workshop materials packaged for these videos.
Time Chapters
0:00 1.13 - A Small Example Dataset
5:28 1.14 - Reading In and Displaying a Data File
13:34 1.15 - Extracting a Subset of a Table (1/2)
27:10 1.16 - Extracting a Subset of a Table (2/2)
34:59 1.17 - Getting and Setting Data
44:11 1.18 - Re-ordering a Table
49:38 1.19 - Joining Text, Row and Column Binding
54:25 1.20 - Merging Tables
1:04:52 1.21 - More Table Manipulations
1:13:35 1.22 - Writing Table to a File
1:20:25 1.23 - Misc Useful Commands, Practice Example
1:22:32 1.24 - Lesson 1 Summary
Time Chapters
0:00 2.01 - Reading in a Large Bioinformatics Data File
5:27 2.02 - Using Grep to Search for Test
20:48 2.03 - Substituting text with Sub
31:52 2.04 - Application Scenario: Calculating Relative Position of Genes
43:31 2.05 - Application Scenario: Further Manipulations, Using Apply
51:50 2.06 - Installing R Packages from CRAN and BioConductor
1:01:50 2.07 - Plotting Graphs: Histograms and Barplots
1:10:31 2.08 - Plotting Graphs: Scatter and Bar Plots
1:24:34 2.09 - Plotting Graphs: More Tips and Tricks
1:32:25 2.10 - Workshop Closing Remarks
Note: Due to loss of some video footage and complexity of subject matter,
the section on EdgeR usage will not be posted. If you require help for
this analysis, please contact us at nmlbio@usc.edu.
Note: The workshop materials download link mentioned in the video is no longer valid, please refer to the link in the Introduction section above for the workshop materials packaged for these videos.