Writing Resources: Health and Well Being

Writing Support and Services for MSW, MSN, and DSW Students

Health and Mental Health

Counseling and Mental Health

  • Counseling and Mental Health programs include individual therapy, group therapy, crisis support, psychiatric services and specialties for gender-based harm. A specialized team accessible in the section on Relationship and Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention.

USC Student Health Care

  • USC Student Health is dedicated to providing all of your basic primary care needs, as well as referrals to specialty care services such as dermatology, allergy and nutrition services. 

Self-care Strategies and Resources: Guide Details / Dimensions of Wellness

  • Organized by the 8 Dimensions of Wellness and includes resources that focus on techniques for application, rather than just educational information

Well Being

Animals on Campus

  • USC has an established policy generally prohibiting animals from University buildings, including Residence Halls. Limited exceptions exist, such as Service Animals, and in some cases, assistance animals determined to be a reasonable accommodation by OSAS.

Campus Support and Intervention

  • "Campus Support & Intervention (CSI) is an office within Campus Wellbeing and Crisis Intervention. We are a team of professionals here to assist students, faculty, and staff in navigating complex issues. Whether you are here seeking support for yourself or someone else, we are available to help you problem solve, understand options, and connect with resources."

Lifestyle Redesign for College Students

  • Certified and licensed occupational therapists who provide health coaching for lifestyle balance, managing stress and anxiety, improving time management, etc., from the Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy.

Popular Reading Collection

  • Located in Leavey Library. Leavey Library also has an excellent collection of DVDs. In addition to this collection, the Science and Engineering Library has a popular reading collection in the sciences.

USC Campus Wellbeing and Education

  • Programs include Mindful USC, workshops, and consultation services.


Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

  • "The University of Southern California’s Office of Religious & Spiritual Life sponsors a variety of opportunities for exploring the spiritual dimensions of your life and learning. We can help you find a religious home base or form a new group, handle an ethical dilemma or research a paper topic. The Office sponsors campus programs with a moral, religious or spiritual focus. It co-sponsors events with other university units and partnerships of student religious groups. And we are there for the entire USC community in times of celebration and loss, to offer benedictions at university convocations and to help organize memorial services as needed."