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Chem 115a: Advanced General Chemistry: Citation Management

Why use citation management software?

References management software, client-based or web-based, offers similar functions.

  • managing all of your interested references in one place
  • creating required format references list from these references
  • providing you "cite while write" (or "write while cite") function

Some (e.g. Endnote and Endnote on the web) can attach full-text of the aritcles within, others can't.

Some provide shared-references function in order to support collabration among authors.

You can choose whatever reference software you want to use, either buy it, or use free one: RefWorks from USC Libraries, Endnote Online, Zotero, BibTex.

When getting yourself familiarized with reference software, please make sure

  • begin early and choose one that is suitable to your information needs
  • master the procedures of importing interested citations to your software, creating in-text citations and reference lists, and any other reason why you want to use a references management software
  • download all added-in software if there is any
  • Always proof-read your references because they are produced by machines, e.g. check publishers' guidelines, check USC dissertations' reference requirements