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Russian Language & Literature *: Biographical Sources

This guide to select sources is useful primarily for graduate and undergraduate students who are studying Russian or Soviet literature and linguistics.

17th-18th Centuries

Levitt, Marcus C. (ed.) Early modern Russian writers; late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 150. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1995.

19th Century

Nikolaev, Petr.  Russkie pisateli 1800-1917; biograficheskii slovar'. Moscow: Sovetskaia entsyclopediia, 1989-   Four volumes are currently available, going to letter "P".  LOCATION: Doheny Reference  PG2991.3.R85 1989

Rydel, Christine A. Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Poetry and Drama. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 205. Gale, 1999.  LOCATION: Available through the Literature Resources Center.

20th Century

Balina, Marina, ed.  Russian Writers Since 1980.  Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 285.  Gale 2004. 
LOCATION: Available through the Literature Resources Center

Kalb, Judith E, ed. Russian Writers of the Silver Age, 1890-1925. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 295. Gale, 2004.  LOCATION: Available through the Literature Resources Center

Kasack, Wolfgang. Dictionary of Russian literature since 1917. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. LOCATION: Doheny Reference  Z2500.K3513 1988.  Covers 619 famous Russian and Soviet writers and 87 literary concepts.  Each entry cites primary and selected secondary works. 

Marina Ledkovsky, Charlotte Rosenthal, and Mary Zirin (eds.) Dictionary of Russian women writers. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994. LOCATION: Doheny Reference  PG2997.D53 1994. Covers over 400 Russian women writers from before 1885 through 1992. Includes biographies on each writer.

Nikoliukin, A. N. Literaturnaia entsiklopediia russkogo zarubezh'ia, 1918-1940. 2 volumes. Moskva: ROSSP·EN, 1997. LOCATION: Doheny Reference  PG3515.L59 1997

Rubins, Maria, ed.  Twentieth-century Russian Emigre Writers.  Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 317.  Gal, 2005.  LOCATION: Grand Depository.

Rydel, Christine (ed.) Russian Prose Writers After World War II. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 302. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 2004.  LOCATION: Grand Depository.

Rydel, Christine (ed.) Russian Prose Writers Between the World Wars. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 272. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 2002. LOCATION: Grand Depository.

Nikolaev, Petr.  Russkie pisateli 1800-1917; biograficheskii slovar'. Moscow: Sovetskaia entsyclopediia, 1989-  Currently, four volumes have been published, up to the letter "P".  LOCATION: Doheny Reference  PG2991.3.R85 1989

Stevanovic, Bosiljka, and Vladimir Wertsman. Free voices in Russian literature, 1950s-1980s; a Bio-bibliographical guide. New York: Russica, 1987.   Over 900 writers born in the USSR whose works were unpublished in that country but appeared in Russian emigre presses between 1957 and 1985.  LOCATION:  Grand Depository.


Russkii biograficheskii slovar'. 25 vols. Sankt Peterburg: V. Demokov, 1904. Reprinted by New York: Kraus, 1962.  The unpublished entries for letters "T" and "V" were published separately in 1991.  LOCATION: Doheny Reference CT1203.R7 1962 and CT1203.R7 1991.

Terras, Victor. Handbook of Russian literature. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. LOCATION: Reference Center PG2940.H29. Articles on individual writers, literary genres, societies, periodicals, and important anonymous works.


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